Hai guyz.
So LJ has a
policy regarding content in a community.
1. ALWAYS label your fic with a rating. Especially the NC-17 stuff.
2. Just to keep the overlords happy, everything must be friends-locked. To do this, when posting something, go to the bottom of the entry and change "Show this entry to: Friends"
3. I realize this is a pain in the arse, but please go back and change your entries so that they are friends-locked. Us mods can only delete your entries.
3. According to the policy: all members who do not list a complete birthdate in their userinfo, or whose birthdate indicates they are under 18, must be removed from community
So, make sure your age reflects the material here.
Now, this could be all smoke & mirrors (the date for the policy is 2004) and we're clearly small enough to slip under the radar, but let's be safe anyway.