
Jul 29, 2008 00:38

So I got yanked off the Stanford waitlist last Monday and now I'm headed to the Disneyland of law schools....sunshine, no grades, daily fireworks shows, tiny classes. Well, it's an honors/pass/fail system, so it looks like I get to channel my over-competitiveness towards fighting bitches for H's. I feel like the past four years have been way too much about grade grubbing and hoop jumping, so it'll be nice to at least lose some of the pressure cooker mentality. Uh, and it looks like there's a good capoeira group on campus, so I'll see if I can wedge that in between outlining, reading, and freaking the fuck out. Clearly that was what swayed me to Palo Alto.

Still haven't figured out housing, but if Azia Kim can fake being a student there, I think I can manage to fake being housed there. It's so weird being in the position to turn down Harvard Law; I'm really really conscious of the fact of how much of this process has been just the planets aligning for me (who actually gets off waitlists, come on now..), so I'm hoping I haven't used up my storehouse of lucky times. A miniscule part of me still thinks I'm giving up some rockstar status, but this week-long choice between HLS and SLS was really such a non-problem, so I'm vaguely embarassed that I bothered so many people asking about it. Sorry!

I am now four wisdom teeth lighter. The first day I got them yanked, I just played reverse-vampire for a few hours. Now I'm back to solid foods, though I did sneak in half a banh mi sandwich on the day after. That was painful..but so satisfying. Mm, fatty barbecue pork on bloody gums.

I keep instigating these intense mood swings. Pretty pathetic.
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