Aug 13, 2007 23:14
Like I have anything to update about. Running is going great. Getting better every day. Smoking is going great, well not smoking is. I don't even know what day I am on but well over a week now. I felt pretty good most of the day today. Few crap things but not bad. I have to spend an evening this week and just write. Seems like if it is going good there is less to say. I'm doing a lot of reading which is fun. L and I can read together a lot which is just nice. I love this age, never want it to end. Course I think I've said that about the past 7. I just know there is a time she isn't going to want me around. The little kisses and hugs will end. I am trying to savor every minute of it and hope it helps later but I guess I should focus on each day and enjoy it instead of this constant dread of it ending. I read Motherless Mothers recently and it really shed light on that and it seems pretty normal. I probably just need to worry less.