Permissions Post

May 09, 2010 20:41

- Threadhopping with this character - yes, no, or what?:
Be my guest.

- Hugging this character?:
Not a good idea unless your character craves pain.

- Giving this character a kiss?:
See above.

- Punching this character (provided they are given an opportunity to fight back):
At your own risk. Expect prompt and brutal retaliation.

- Is there anything YOU DO NOT WANT MENTIONED near this character?:

- Is there anything you need us to KNOW about interacting with this character? Special physical features, fighting abilities, STUFF:
Beware the pants---he can pull a vast variety of things out of his pockets, including but not limited to dangerous weapons.

Gonko is not among the friendliest of clowns; he's foul-mouthed, bad-tempered, and may insult your character(s)/offer death threats. This does not mean he hates your character off the bat, it's just his way so don't take it personal. He's also guilty of having the occasional "nice-guy" moment when he's in the mood for it.

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