Oct 01, 2009 16:29
tell me i'm wrong in my thinking, but using my logic - know that i normally think outside of the box so this could come left field - this is NOT end times, the apocolypse is not around the corner...in revelations it states that there will be more natural disasters etc.. and maybe the only reason that we KNOW that there is more disasters is because our MEDIA is faster than it was 40 - 50 years ago, something happens in the world and we know about it within moments thanks to the internet and satailites and mobile phones, do i think that this is a bad thing..no it is good to be in contact and as human beings we are more than curious peoples not that its happing more but we are more aware of it, people would wont to fill up a paper in the 1950's about an earthqake killing 100's etc so people where none the wiser.
people forget that revelations also states about 3rd world war and 1000 years rain of satin (evil)and if rock and roll is the devils music - lucifia was the angel of music...sorry highschool knoweldge kicking in - then wouldn't the 1000 year reign begian when rock and roll begain - let say a nice even year of 1960...so that means in 2060 relvations begins, WW3 and the beiging of the end (which if i remeber also is another 1000 years of peace after it or something ..must of snoozed in that class)- me being 80 years then i think i really wont care :P
Sorry been reading to many comments on news.com about how the worlds ending and really cant rant at work about this, they already think i am nuts