Giant Yamajima Pic Spam

Feb 28, 2010 02:40

Actually, this is more of an excuse for myself to organize the pics I've collected XD.
Caution!!! Massive number of images(100+) below, so it's gonna take a long time to load.

Please click on my fav. yamajima pic for the cut~~

April 14: Just because I'm lazy I'll dump my new collection here~ if anyone still read this post then they'll find it XD

I will always them as chibis

Early Hey!Say perfs, just LOOK AT THEM!!!

Scrap Teacher era

This needs explanation: the photographer said this was taken when everyone had to gather around and fight for a spot.
Focus = Yuto's hand on Yama-chan's head protecting him from bumping onto Dai-chan. (and we know he's not pushing Yama-chan's head out of the way cus you can see him perfectly above)....
Maa~ this guy had a habit of doing this from a long time ago anyway~~~

Just cus they look like Hosts from a host club XDDDD Shoot me...

One more from Hitomi no Screen

HARUKO 2010 was LOVE.


I seriously haven't seen this smile on Yama-chan for quite a while, since Hidarime was all crying.. and then.. has anyone noticed that he hasn't been smiling much in the NYC perfs?!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ END APR 14

Love their smiles~~~

Yamajima on crack XD

Boxers and surprised? XD

06/14 School Kakumei, I thought I was seeing things but... I don't think so~~~

I get a weird feeling whenever I see this one.... it feels too much like a couple picture...

I love this magazine shoot~~~

Fake cameras!! XDDD

Ryu-chan wants to play too!!!

Cute reporters

I love how Chinen is like their child.... XDDD while Ryu is like the giant third wheel
Either way, YYRR is <3

10Goku Concert Pics
I wish they had the piggyback one...

Oh this perf was so cute~

08 concert pic

Early years Hawaii pic!
They both loved Hawaii so much, they always talked about it~~~ I swear they got really close there XDDD
shaky plane ride and holding hands

My fav 7 Concert pic:

Heisei Brothers from Dream Boys~ I love this trio

Why is this in here? I don't really know... XD they got the aura~

This was kinda recent?? XD Can you find Yama-chan?

Yama-chan always give Yuto a piggyback ride when they're little~ XD
Maa they all say Yama-chan was abnormally strong

Heisei Bros again~


Looks waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too big on them

No one in 7 can win agains Yama-chan in arm wrestling~~

Cute kids with teddy bears, who doesn't like that?

Johnny's Countdown this year and couple clothes~~ XDDDDD

I love it when Yama-chan smiles like this XDDD

School sports fest~~~

First perf for the world cup volleyball

Even tho Yama-chan is the oldest~ Yuto always ends up acting as the protector of the two XDDD

Caption: We might be Japan's most non-identical twins
Of course you're not twins~!!! You're gonna get married!

Dream boys again, Yuto was supposed to smack Yama-chan on the head, but it really didn't seem like a smack at all when you watch it.

Heisei Bros


Yabu approves XD

Yama-chan hates skin-ship but Yuto just hangs on to every chance to cling to Yama-chan

So protective of Yama-chan's image XDDDDD

Another protective moment~
The pervy guest was asking Yama-chan what he thought about girls in skanky clothes
Yuto: *angry* Don't group Yama-chan with you!
Guest: *shocked + stoned*

If that's a strawberry then: Yes Yuto you're sweet~~
If that's a tomato then: YUTO YOU'RE A DEVIL!!!

It's sad we don't see Yama-chan do this often anymore

"Yes we're awesome together!" 

Another crack pic XDDDD

Kinda recent...


Alright... this one needs explanation....
From the recent winter concert~~ that tiny part on the right side of the pic, that's Yuto.
According to the reports he wanted to hug Yama-chan from behind but Yama-chan picked up one of the kids from the Snow Prince Gasshoudan first XD 

Keito feels left out XD


Caption: RABU RABU?!
Sharing a drink!

I'd really love to XDDDDDDDDDD

Human sandwiches.... poor yama-chan's always below

Yuto takes good care of Yama-chan all the time~~


Paparazzi pic~~

Yuto is an octopus XDD

Taken by surprise

What is Yama-chan doing???

Dome concert news clip~~!!! Oh Yama-chan, you really don't have to smack him that hard XD

Kinda recent too (winter concert merchendise i think)~~ such a cute pair XD

And BONUS~~~

I always thought that Yuto was a really really cute kid when he's young but...

Credits to JimaryoYY, Yamada Ryosuke and Nakajima bar in Baidu

--- End ---

yamajima, hey!say!jump

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