Title: Painkiller
Pairing Yamajima
He knew from the beginning, when Yama-chan showed him the script, that watching Hidarime was going to be a bad idea. But he watched anyway, and Yuto totally regretted it.
It wasn't just bad, it was horrible.
Even if he knew that most of it was fake, no one could stand seeing the one they love being beaten and tortured like that. It pissed him off to no end when he couldn't do anything about the tears that roll down Yama-chan's cheeks every single episode (and yes he had noted every time he cried). As if being soaked with rain in the middle of winter wasn't bad enough, there was the constant falling off bicycles and rolling down hills. And the worst of all was being punched in the face and thrown around by people. Of course Yama-chan would say it's all make believe to him. But Yuto also happened to see the interview where he said sometimes he got punched for real.
Daijoubu Yuto, I can dodge, Yama-chan promised him in his sweetest tone. Under any normal circumstances Yuto would believe that, but with someone who can't wear his glasses and refuses to wear contact lens, he would be worried.
Furthermore -- It's disrespectful but -- he couldn't help feeling a tinge of hostility towards Yokoyama senpai. For someone with a brother complex like Yuto, he wouldn't even dream of treating Raiya like how Yumeto treated Ainosuke. Subconsciously in his mind, he permanently labelled Yokoyama's face with 'the one who makes Ryosuke cry'.
So it may be a good thing that he didn't have to do a cameo in Hidarime after all, because if he had to watch the torture live, he might just beat up the director.
"Yuto... Yuto?" A soft voice interrupted his thoughts, and the towel under his hands shifted.
"Ah, sorry I zoned out." He confessed and was about to continue drying Yama-chan's hair with the towel in his hands when the one sitting on the floor grasped his hand and turned around to look up at him.
"Something wrong? You're really quiet all evening." From his position on the bed, Yuto stared at the dark circles under Yama-chan's eyes and sighed.
"You look tired, I shouldn't have insisted for you to come over." Yama-chan was in the middle of drama shooting for the entire week, it was really rare that he had half a day off. But because they couldn't spend Valentine's day together, Yuto had been a blockhead and declared his ownership of Yama-chan's short break. Conveniently his parents aren't home today, so he had Yama-chan staying over and making dinner together -- with Raiya trying to help and making a mess. Yuto felt a bit apologetic, he shouldn't have been so selfish and should have just let Yama-chan rest.
"No it was fun. I haven't been able to relax in a while." Yama-chan smiled at him. "I feel pampered when Yuto dries my hair."
"Then I'll give you a massage too." Yuto chuckled and grabbed Yama-chan's shoulders to turn him around. But his gesture was answered with a sharp in take of breath. Yama-chan instinctively jerked away from his hands and Yuto paused there feeling a bit rejected and puzzled.
"It-it's okay." The other started to edge away from him, and suddenly Yuto put two and two together. Sighing at Yama-chan's attempt to lie to him, he leaned over, caught him in his arms and dragged him onto the bed. The smaller boy struggled a little and looked at him with watery eyes.
"I'm not gonna do anything." He reassured non-chalantly, and as expected Yama-chan's cheeks blushed bright red. Yuto took the opportunity and unbuttoned the first two buttons on Yama-chan's pajamas. Then in one swift motion, he quickly slipped the shirt off his right shoulder before the other could react. As he suspected, a giant purple bruise the size of his palm stained the pale skin. His expression darkened. So he wasn't worried for nothing, Yama-chan got injured during filming.
"Why didn't you say anything?"
Pause. ".... Because you'll get angry."
"I'm angry now." He purposely touched the bruise with a bit of pressure. Yama-chan whimpered a little and retaliated by hammering his arm with his fist.
"All you do is bully me!" He received a glare and pout. Yuto ignored it and brushed the bangs covering Yama-chan's right eye aside.
I beg to differ, Yuto thought sourly. It hurts him ten times more when Yama-chan gets hurt, be it body or soul. Sometimes he really believe that it's a disadvantage for him in this relationship since he was the sensitive A while Yama-chan's the blissfully unaware B.
Sighing again, he circled the other's waist and lowered his head to place a kiss on the bruise.
"I wish I could protect you from everything." It makes him feel frustrated when there's nothing he could do about the situation.
It was then a pair of hands forced his head up, and he was face to face with a mildly irritated Yama-chan.
"I'm not a helpless girl! Nakajima Yuto, you remember it. And besides..." Yama-chan then lowered his head and muttered in an unwilling tone, "your kiss is the best painkiller."
He couldn't help smiling at that.