So I watched the presidential debate tonight. did you? if you did, good job! way to be involved. If you didn't, just know they both suck, but Bush is worse by far. From what he said tonight, it seems like he's trying to start ANOTHER war if he doesn't get what he wants. basically, he wants more oil, and so he's going after countries that have it.
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And we AREN'T set with oil, because bush is too cheap to develop technology to get the oil we have. it's easier to steal it from others, and capitalists have always been about the cheap, easy way.
however, i don't think it's ALL about oil. bush is just power-mad, and he likes being a dictator, which is what he is now, for all intents and purposes. it's just a puppet government they're setting up, like the U.S. has done again and again under republican leadership.
and, to avoid coming off as simply anit-republican or whatever, i'm not. i'm anti-capitalist. which includes both parties, so i dislike democrats, too. but they're closer to my ideals, and i know socialists stand no chance of ever achieving their goals here, so i'll go for half way. whatever works. and in fact, i do agree with bush on some things. i got in an argument with a friend today and actually wound up defending bush without fully realizing i was doing it. he's not a bad guy, he just has different ideals than me. and i happen to think he's sending America to hell in a handbasket with this war. so i'll side with whoever will end the violence and truly protect us all, instead of making enemies of our former allies and/or countries neutral towards us.
there was a point not too long ago when almost every country in the world was anti-America due to bush's policies. i just don't know if we can push our luck anymore before they get pissed and bomb us all.
but, you're welcome to your opinion, and you can come argue with me anytime. i think you have my im. not trying to offend, just stating my opinion. everyone has the right to do that in this country, it's called FREEDOM OF SPEECH. it does exist, even if some extremist conservatives want to forget it and call it treason.
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