Welcome, all ye who've been summoned by the goddess Martel to this strange yet foreign land of Atlas. Not only are you part of a Japanese Roleplaying Game, but you also have the unfortunate task of saving this world before it withers away into nothing. (The odd part? Is that despite the complete compliance with fellow Tales Of people, none of them have arrived. They're over at
ad_libitum_rpg. For more information on Atlas, follow the link to
the Atlas encyclopedia! ♥ )
Players have four guild branches to meet (pick one for your location):
Blessenwood: This is the first chapter you will encounter. It is currently maintained by one Genis Sage. It is the oldest branch of the guild and highly important due to its proximity to the World Tree.
Wuldorwurth: This guild was established much more recently and is run by Mithos Yggdrasil. It is located in a northern town on the same continent as Blessenwood, but Wuldorwurth is a much larger city.
Port Merrium: This seaside town of the southern continent is where the festivities typically happen. There is no guild leader, as of that attack on the city/beach party gone wrong.
Ouin: Located on the central continent and led by Flynn Scifo, Ouin focuses on technology. It attracts the crazy scientist types, but it certainly welcomes anyone.