I got an apartment. I am so incredibly excited.
List of things to do:
- think on everything. pray about it.
- organize and pack my life (sparingly; I get the keys next weekend)
- make sure my utilities are totally set up
- recruit man-friends to help
- figure out moving truck dynamics
- talk to John, as he will most likely be in charge for a good deal of the move process.
- talk to the staff at SAS, where I will be training to be a volunteer the actual 3 days I have to move (thus John's in-charginess) to see what timing will be like
- plan decorations! because I love paint (or at least the idea of it) and actually being able to nail something into a wall! Oh GMU dorms...
- find a dresser. I have all other furniture basically set, but this seems kind of important. I don't need my delicates laying out for the underwear gremlins, or guests, for that matter.
And that's about it! Wish me luck :-)