Mar 25, 2007 01:12
I only have three more weeks in India! I can't believe it. It's really incredibly sad, except for Sundays, which are so incredibly boring I'm updating lj again.
So I am doing this project which involves field work with Pentecostal Christians, and most of them are Hindu Converts. It's more interesting that I thought it would be, but now my interviews and research are over so it's really just writing a 20-25 page paper now....and that's not as fun. I am spending most of my spare time trying to find gifts for people and pack for home, and the rest of it plotting schemes for getting a Watson or a Fullbright after college. So if anyone can think of any pressing reasons for me to go to North Africa and study Arabic, other than the fact that I want to, especially academic reasons, it would be entirely helpful. And one can do alot of traveling and still be in Arabic-speaking regions. Like even Ethiopa....and that's not really all that North.