Sep 24, 2005 23:48
I spent a remarkably pleasant day today, at the Common Ground Fair with Skylar and Isaac and Mike, veiwing highland cattle and yarn and tea and hippies and food (eating that part of it) and soap and llamas and everything else pertaining to hippies. There were also some amazing handmade canoes.
We eventually ended up just sitting in the grass, and I found a very bright hat, and there was amazing apple cider.
And then when we got back there was a French cafe set up in the Spa and later on a magician. It was very amusing. And of course, like every college student, I am spending an inordinant amount of this Saturday night doing homework, specifically astronomy, religion, and French.
And now I believe I am going to work on that French essay for a bit. Good niiiiiiiiiiggggghhhht.