Ever feel like doing something just for the fun of it?

Nov 02, 2012 03:45

Hey there, long time no post!  I do hope that everyone is doing alright. Oh, and a Happy (belated) Halloween!

Anyways, I'm supposed to be posting an actual blog assignment for my one of my classes but I feel like typing here instead.  I mean, for one there's no pressure for perfection or any deadlines to worry about.  And although I'm always aiming for perfection, it's more of a life-long goal.  I try to do better because, well, I simply can.  If you stop striving for greatness, then you're shorting yourself a great deal by never reaching your true potential.  However, one could always argue that perfection cannot be reached since we ourselves are so imperfect, making it a pointless or even an empty ambition that'll eventually drive you to insanity.  I like to think that there is always room for improvement.  Kinda like leaving some wiggle room to better yourself, just loose enough for movement but not too much to bring down all the crazy.

Well, that's about it for today.  I'm not one to spout goodness and reckless encouragement but I do hope that at least some of this makes sense.   And last but not least, here are some digital peppermints for Halloween! =D  Who says they are only winter specific?!  There is no candy law!  Sweetness stands for all I say! lol  Until our next encounter~.
-So what do you strive for?  ...Then, go grab those stars baby!-
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