Right, so my online status kind of died :P My RL has been vastly busy and far far happier, so I wasn't dedicating the time to my computer as much, heh.
Work is now fantastic for the most part, I moved in with my boyfriend and am coming off my graduate program so will not be rotating jobs anymore after August! (Now see, there's a fantastic summary of my life :P)
Anyway, I still make icons occasionally, though the lack of time spent on my computer has cut this right down and meant that I have been doing mostly text based ones. I'll do a random dump after this. I've gotten way way behind on all my TV shows, even my anime, so expect any icons from me in future to be mostly text based or a few seasons behind things, lol.
And anyway.. that's the 2 second summary of my doings since my last post... I will endeavour to get back online some more, and make icons, cause that is fun.
Oooh! Actually! Boyfriend J-Kun owns a Wii and I have Monkey Ball Banana Blitz to play on it! Wonder if I could make Monkeyball icons... Hmmm...