(no subject)

May 12, 2009 09:28

I've started reading The Secret Diary of Anne Boleyn, and it is half historical political intrigue and half bodice ripper.

My boyfriend and I have been watching House lately. I think we're in either season 2 or 3. I usually walk in on an episode after it has started, or am in bed and half asleep when a new episode starts. It's nice and formulaic, which we like for entertainment/background TV, same reason we watch CSI.

After buying new clothes, getting my boyfriend a few gifts, paying half of the balance due on my tires, etc. in the last month, I have found myself financially back to not being that much ahead anymore. Work overtime has dried up as the tv season has wound down; summer shows are being a bit slow about showing up. Taking all this into account, I've started limiting my fun spending once again and am saving up for the inevitable financial hit that will be my week-long trip to Kentucky. So no Dallas Cinematic Titanic, no trip to New Orleans to picotheman's wedding reception.

The hoodie I ordered for my boyfriend over a month ago from Split Reason has not shown up at all. They ship from Canada; normal shipping time is 2-3 weeks from Canada, and I paid for 6-8 day shipping. I'm also not impressed with their customer service; I emailed them about the situation and told them my plan of action ~10 days ago, and I didn't even get a cursory "we got your email, k thanks" reply. I worked for the book business, and we shipped stuff all over the world twice a week, so I'm familiar with the problems of shipping. But as the customer service rep, I also made sure people got their emails replied to within 24 hours. I'm more annoyed at being ignored than I am by the hoodie not showing up yet. It may turn up after all, but at this point, I'm more inclined to ask for a refund than to finally be cheered by the sight of the package on the front porch.

It only Tuesday. Non mi piace.

tv, work, internet, literature

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