Don't feel bad, but don't feel great, so I'm making green tea and taking my vitamins, hoping I stay well for my trip next week.
Oh god what am I going to do, that place is fully stocked on crazy and drama. Maybe the drama will seem less horrible when I'm all up in it. Heh.
Um, I am considering waiting until the new year to get my foot looked at because of holiday craziness and our company's switching health insurance companies at the first of the year. But I also think I'm just making excuses where I should be doing something.
Yara dinged 33 with dancer last night in a very haphazard party in the Dunes. It was led by two newish players without subjobs who didn't know anything about the subjob quest and didn't lot for items when they dropped. Half our party wiped when we aggroed a level 20something Goblin Leecher as a level-synched group of 14s, and by the time I came back as 25 white mage to Raise everybody, two of the dead had disbanded and left. We then took on two Japanese-speaking players, and the other English speakers didn't bother with the auto-translate function. I tried to keep the communication going, but the auto-translate dictionary, while ok, doesn't have some phrases that would be a little more useful than just terminology. Heh. It was a mess, but it was a lot of fun.