I woke up from a dream last night (I guess when my boyfriend came back to bed from insomniacking all over the house) and tried somewhat incoherently to tell Dr. B. about it. In the dream, a group of people were attempting to communicate with me, but the words we were all saying were not making sense. These may have been intelligible words, but English words did not hold their traditional definitions, and strings of words did not hold meaning as sentences. With some passion, I pursued the goal of trying to decipher the phrase-language. When I woke up, I thought it was a super awesome idea that I could maybe use for a story...until I realized it was pretty much the plot of
Darmok, an episode of Star Trek: TNG in which Captain Picard pieces together the metaphor language of an alien people using the epic of Gilgamesh.
This recycled idea is, at least, an improvement: the last time I had a germ for a story (what if a quirky actress, like Lisa Kudrow, took her grandma's ashes on a road trip?), it turned out to be the plot of an episode of Friends. -_-
(At least in that instance, I'd never seen or heard of that episode before.)