Before we get started…. WELCOME TO GENERATION TWO!! I am insanely excited for this XD. It’s been nearly a year since chapter 1, generation 1 went up- hard to believe it took me so long, huh? Anyhoo. I’m banging on
Well, the heir vote started up a while ago, and for some strange reason there was only one vote. It’s okay everyone… I’ll just cry in this corner :’(
So I made a decision on behalf of my readers. Verne is our new heir- because A) He is gorgeous and B) His girlfriend has purple hair. Purple. Haired. Babies. SQUEE! So that’s why our firstborn is heir. And I promise that if they don’t produce any violet-headed offspring, I will pay attention to your voting in Gen 3.
And a teenage heir is no fun at all, so BIRTHDAY TIME!
Verne: What the… this wasn’t supposed to happen for another 4 days!
And just when I thought he couldn’t POSSIBLY become any more attractive…
He-llo Daddy clone! It’s as if someone took Oliver… and made him hotter… Well played!
And it’s now time for the other kids to bugger off venture out into the world. Evie does not approve.
But River does! Aww. I’ll miss her <3
And of course, they needed some adult to move out with them, so Edge aged up! And quite nicely too, may I add.
And so, the kids are shipped off and we say adieu to Edge, Luke, Dean, Evie and River
Vy had to age up too, of course. We need some babies up in this crib! (sorry)
Hehe. There’s always one.
After a quick makeover, the star-crossed lovers are reunited!
Vy: So… we’re adults now…
Verne: Wanna make things more exciting?
AAaaand I think we can all guess why the bed needed to be made up
Clarity and Oliver seem to be feeling the love too…
Or not.
Clarity: Ew! Get off, creep!
After much coaxing, Oliver FINALLY gets her onto the bed.
Oliver: Let’s get to it!
Clarity: What? NO! Are you serious? You’re disgusting!
You were saying…?
Oops! What could this be?
It must have been something you ate *coughcough*
Hungry, are we? Mustbebecauseyou’reeatingfortwo *ahem*
What I love about Vy is how she isn’t a stick figure like Clarity, and has a bit more weight on her. It’s cute :)
*Facepalm* how could I let this happen? AGAIN? ARGH!
And the bathtub’s broken. Great. Juuuuusst Great.
Vy got a little makeover. How irrationally beautiful is she?
But we don’t get to appreciate her new ‘do for long, because this horrific maternity wear is her new outfit!
Being family oriented, Vy is thrilled and goes to break the news to Verne
Vy: I know we’re not even married, and this is a little scary, but…
Vy: I’m pregnant! You’re going to be a daddy!
The face says it all.
Despite the, erm, unwelcome news, Verne still gave Vy a cuddle
Vy: I know you don’t like kids, but this isn’t just any baby. It’s ours.
Verne: You’re right, Vy… and I’m going to be the best father I can.
Verne: Heh. I can feel you moving around in there, little glitterpie!
Insanity spawns such nicknames, evidently.
Verne: Wait, Vy. I need to ask you something.
Verne: Crap!
Hehe, I’ve been waiting for that since he rolled the Clumsy trait
Verne: Vy, the simple truth of it is that I love you. Will you marry me?
Yes :) ahh, young love
Some less welcome news greets us back inside. I do NOT want any more kids from these two! Argh.
Shotgun wedding time!
Verne: With this ring, I thee wed.
Vy: My love… you stink.
Sealed with a kiss
And as a wedding gift, Clarity upgrades the oven.
By repeatedly bashing it with a hammer, naturally.
This pregnancy taking a bit of a toll on you, Clarity? Serves you bootless, clay-brained hugger-mugger! (Shakespearean insults FTW)
I made her clean up the house as penance for her pregnancy >:( I am VERY pissed off.
Vy is getting bored with being pregnant, I think. She has nothing to do.
Ditto ditto.
My sprinkler brings all the pregnant ladies to the yard, and they’re like, ‘This is really fun!’ Damn right, this is really fun! You can try it, but I have to charge.
Vy: Woah, that doesn’t feel right.
Vy: Oymigawd what is THAT?
You’re having a baby, sweetheart.
Vy: I have a baby inside of me?
After many hours of screaming and fussing, we have ourselves a little baby boy!
This sweet little fellow is named Montague. I’ve been dying to try out naming themes, so this generation, all the children will have Romeo and Juliet inspired names. (Yanno, Romeo Montague?)
Back in the house, baby time is once again upon us.
Clarity: Getitout, getitout!
A trip to the hospital later, and we have little Marc. Who is rather cute, despite the fact that he’s COMPLETELY unwelcome.
And this is Spencer. FML.
Clarity: I didn’t want TWO. Grr.
Tough luck, matey. I didn’t want ANY.
And that sourpuss face ends Chapter 10! Next chapter you can expect babies, a birthday, a sad goodbye and some friskiness from our favourite couple! Stay tuned.