Lt. Scott's Sacrosanct Log

Dec 10, 2011 16:39

Since singularity_rpg isn't one of those games where you have to make journal entries with your character (thank God), it means that if I want Scott to have some thoughts, I gotta put them down as I please. So this is Scott's Sacrosanct log. Back-dating and future-dating will ensue. Note HEY SINGLINGS. This is encrypted to any who have met Scott and he's put you into his little "friends list" on his multi-tool bracelet dealie. NO PEEKSIES UNTIL HE THINKS YOU'RE COOL. ♥

Codes are: 01: text, 02: audio, 03: video. 01381 is Sacrosanct, 24430 is Destiny, and further ID tags will be made per location.

x--------- LT. SCOTT'S Log;//

I've arrived in some place called Sacrosanct. I'm not sure what happened, or why the rest of the away team didn't come with me, but after stepping through a Stargate on Destiny, I promptly landed in Sacrosanct on top of a big pile of mess in what they call the Scrapyard.

I hear it's a spaceship, but it's massive. Destiny has nothing on this thing. There were three chimes that rang out, and some kind of automated message "Welcome to Sacrosanct, please watch your step." To be honest, I could have done with that message a little sooner.

Some guy who goes by Tony was there to meet me, if his methods of saying hello weren't a little unorthodox. I was sort of expecting to see some aliens on this ship-it reminded me of the experience Colonel Young had on the Nakai ship the first time, when the communication stones weren't cleaned off properly. But I'm definitely me, and I'm definitely here. Anyway, Tony wasn't alien at all. In fact, he was completely human. I don't know where he's from, and I won't ask.

When he left, I prayed to God to either give me a sign if this was a test or to get me the hell out of here if it was just a freak accident. Right after, this android sort of thing came over to give me a bracelet. He...or it? called it a "URB", a Universal Relay Band, but now that I put it on, it won't come off. I guess that's all right, since I'm pretty active anyway. And it's the only way I could make this update. The android said if I needed anything I should talk to someone named "Hypatia", but it didn't tell me where to find this person before it ran off.

The place is getting "curiouser and curiouser".

//;END Log
|// END 01381;001-scott_log |//execute_log:02-002-scott_log
x--------- LT. SCOTT'S Log;//

[Some shifting noise, before a loud click, and then Scott clearing his throat.]

Sacrosanct has proven to be very big and very high tech. Half the time, I don't know what I'm supposed to hit so I can get some food. The place looks like a damn city in certain areas. And the other half is like Earth. The other day, I saw fields, with flowers, and low mountains! This is ten times better than Destiny ever was.

[Momentary silence.]

Well...what I meant was...the technology is amazing. Sacrosanct doesn't have Chloe. It doesn't have the Colonel or Eli. It doesn't have a Stargate, so I could go back...

[Unrealistic dreams, buddy! Some more silence, a little bit of shifting.]

Well, anyway, I met a few more people. Turns out this place is a little more inhabited than I though. I met some guys in the military, wherever they came from, way more advanced than we were ever capable of. Heck, I don't even know how the Ancients would compare to these guys. Spartans? Crazy.

[A sigh.]

There's also this girl, she says she does this thing called dream-walking...I volunteered to try it out, I'm hoping it's not very freaky. Not that my dreams are very interesting anyway, but you know. There's also this other girl. I think it's a girl. It's definitely a shapeshifter. It was a dinosaur talking, and the voice was female. Haha. Pretty good trick, if you ask me....

[Yeah, he's avoiding talking about Karkat. Avoidingavoidingavoiding-success!]

That's all for now, I guess. Pretty late here, and the snow is...Right! I almost forgot. [Small laugh.] It's actually snowing here. Yeah. Get that. Some guy I saw on the network really freaked out, but I love it. If it piles up enough, I think I'll show others how to make a snowman.

[Silence. Then, softly...]

I wonder what the energy requirements are to make snow over the size of Sacrosanct...Listen to me, I sound like Rush. Hehe. Scott out.

//;END Log
|// END 01381;002-scott_log |//execute_log:03-003-scott_log
x--------- LT. SCOTT'S Log;//

[He seems a little excited, mmyep. It's daytime (OOC: YES THIS IS BACKDATED ARRGH), and he's holding tiny little slips of firm paper. He smiles and shakes his head.]

I can't believe I forgot about these. When I came to Sacrosanct, I guess I was in shock. But look, I actually had these in my tactical vest the whole time!

[He proceeds to show you pictures, one by one.]

That's me and the Stargate.

(OOC, yes, illogical, just roll with me here) That's my son, Matthew.

Eli took this of me on that planet with the obelisk.

Here's me and Eli.

That's Colonel Young. He's gotten us through lots of hard spots.

[He looks through them again, realising he's missing a few important people. Then he stashes them outside the limits of the video.]

I don't have TJ or Rush or even Chloe in here...but this was a pretty nice surprise. Well, that's all I wanted to say. Still looking to find my purpose here, if I really can't ever go back...

[He just kind of stares for a little bit, then shuts off the stream.]

//;END Log
|// END 01381;003-scott_log |//execute_log:01-004-scott_log
x--------- LT. SCOTT'S Log;//

I've received mystery gifts from people I don't know. From someone named EDI, I got some rum. Not sure I'm really up to drinking it, but if I get sick, then it might be useful. From someone named Camille, I got a nice candle. I've lit the thing already. From "Santa Claws", some kind of chicken that had many cuts and was bleeding everywhere. Terrible present, but I had to do the merciful thing because it looked really bad. I buried it in Zone 01. From Jade, I got a container of peppermint bark (delicious!) and a handmade card. She's definitely a keeper. From someone named Jin, I got tea. The sachets look homemade, and even though I don't really drink tea, I really like the thought. Oh good, nothing from Candy Corn Horns.

//;END Log
|// END 01381;004-scott_log

sacrosanct log

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