Notes/OOC/Head canon

Dec 10, 2011 01:36

Fair warning: Because this is OOC and has very little to do with the content of what will or is in the RP Scott is in, singularity_rpg, I do not plan to censor myself here since it's secondary and superfluous. Should you need CR sheet or HMD, follow your nose.

n o t e s ;
→ Nri left this comment in my noob thread that made me a pretty happy motherfucker:Oh my gosh, out of all the Stargate series I did not expect to see Sing get a Universe cast first.

→ Pretty glad it was Stark who first came across Scott even if he was a dick. Not sure what Scott's going to do with anthropomorphics yet. /facepalm. Must. work. out. soon.

→ Okay, now I'm actually regretting not having him take the H&K. I think I'll put in a request to find one in the scrapyard but with no ammo, so that way it's just memorial. In fact, I'd like to make it his actual gun, that maybe followed him, even though he technically didn't take it with him. Christmas present from Hypanta.

→ I realise Scott's actually pretty boring for CR. Or at least I fear. I love the guy. I love the good guys, the ones who do well. But shit, he's not cracky. And people love the crack. Regardless of why you play, there's always character growth, minimal (ex. Luneth) or huge (ex. Kadaj). So I think order to satiate my own fear, or if it's a validated fear and people do find him boring, I should attempt some character growth in Scott. Let go of Chloe, get himself a girl, make friends. I don't know. Haven't done decent character growth since, uh...well, yeah, since Kadaj in ff_clash_rpg.

→ Okay. Here's what Scott thinks about everyone aboard Sacrosanct. They are annoyingly unhappy. Since Scott is, show-wise, a simple, good guy who believes things are black-and-white (e.g. things are good and bad, there is no middle ground), he thinks the people at Sacrosanct were either really unhappy before they got here or being here has got them losing all hope. I have dubbed Scott the Sacrosanct Happy Police. BE WARNED SINGLINGS, HE'S-A COMING.

h e a d  c a n o n ;
→ He can play the guitar. No, fuck you, he can play the guitar. And he's actually better than those college losers who sit in front of their dorm and play Good Riddance over and over.

→ I don't think he looks up to Young as a father. As his "father" died by drinking himself to death, I don't think Scott can equate that to Young without a loss in respect, without feeling some kind of shame. Young is more of, let's say, a role model, the good soldier Scott hopes he'll become some day.

i'm not scott

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