ooc: my first drabble ever!

May 18, 2006 06:45

Behold, my first drabble! I couldn't resist, because I fangirl over this pairing so much it's not even funny. Seriously, it would not even let me sleep after I tried to turn in at 5 in the morning after threading all night. Bah! I've never written one before, I hope it's alright. It's a bit of a mini-songfic, as it's centered around lyrics from Imogen Heap's "Goodnight and Go."

If you want to hear the song (accompaniment to the drabble, oooo!), it's linked HERE. (My advice is to right-click and open in a new window, as links appear to take you away from the current page.)

And now, to the drabble!

Follow you home, you’ve got your headphones on, and you’re dancing
Got lucky, beautiful shot, you’re taking everything off, watch the curtains wide open
Then you fall in the same routine, flicking through the TV, relaxed and reclining
And you think you’re alone…

He’d spotted her as he walked by the classroom; as he’d hoped but not dared to expect. It was only chance that she would be here. The both of them had been so busy recently that they’d not had much time to visit. And as much as he wanted to greet her as soon as he saw her, something made him wait, leaning in at the door in silence.

Skipping beats, blushing cheeks, I am struggling
Daydreaming, bed scenes in the corner café
And then I'm left in bits recovering tectonic tremblings
You get me every time

She was studying her reflection in the closed window, eyes examining her outline, the wispy tendrils that escaped her bun. Dissatisfied with something unnamable, she averted her gaze and stretched into a slow tendu, falling seamlessly into an improvised combination. Leg extending into attitude and then melting into a turn over her shoulder, the dancer landed in fourth arabesque. Her eyes were closed now, having dissolved into a recollection of that last dance - those shy smiles and laughs, stepping on toes, elbows bumping, and that incredible and distinct smell that was so … Tobias. She realized with sudden amazement that not even the most beautiful turnout or doing twenty fuete turns could ever compare with the mere proximity of him. His arm about her waist, his hand in hers, even when they stumbled - that was grace to an extent not yet defined. Thoughtfully, she opened her eyes and pulled out her bun; the curls cascaded freely down her shoulders as she shook them out, lost in the memory of first kisses and his fingers against her jaw…

Why d'you have to be so cute?
It's impossible to ignore you
Must you make me laugh so much?
It's bad enough we get along so well
Say goodnight and go

As Andra’s hair came down he knew he couldn’t wait any longer. He rushed up behind her and swooped around, and although he would be embarrassed to have her think he was spying on her, he couldn’t resist giving her a small bow and extending his arms. “May I have this dance?” came the soft, too humble to be debonair, request. His smile was hopeful, his eyes searching hers with anticipation.

Her surprised gasp was immediately followed by a delighted laugh to find him there. She blushed a bit, realizing he must have seen some of her dancing, but brushed it aside and moved swiftly to his outstretched arms. “You may,” she replied quietly, her smile ever broad and appreciative. It was so much better than the everyday ‘how do you do,’ this greeting. He managed to surprise her every time they were together. They fell into a rhythm without music, following a beat to which only their ribcages seemed attuned. This time there was no chalk, there were no patterns on the floor. But it came naturally, somehow.

“You’ve been practicing!” she murmured, pleased and intrigued, tilting her head up at him in a slightly teasing manner.

He searched for an explanation, feeling the rosy warmth return to his cheeks, abashed. “Well, I didn’t want you to be disappointed the next time we- Oh, but I didn’t mean to assume… assume we would…” Tobias fumbled for the right words, and they all failed him, as usual. Why couldn’t he ever be concise and eloquent to the one person he wished most to impress? He settled for, “You’re a good teacher.”

It was possibly the most wonderful thing he could have said.

Her eyes danced up at him, smile growing warm along with the hue of her complexion at his praise. He had managed to turn it all into her doing when she had meant to compliment him. He couldn’t be any more modest or lovely. “Thank you,” she breathed, “you’re a marvelous student. Just look at your progress.” Soft, tranquil laughter was followed by the lean of her head against his shoulder as they continued to dance. Her eyes closed again, and this time it was to revel in the present moment instead of a memory.

One of these days, you'll miss your train and come stay with me
We'll have drinks and talk about things, and any excuse to stay awake with you
You'd sleep here, I'd sleep there, but then the heating may be down again
At my convenience
We'd be good, we'd be great together

They danced for hours, or perhaps seconds, neither of them wishing to shatter the evening by breaking apart. But curfews called, as did homework and, well … reality. Feeling bold, as he seemed to only in her presence of late, Tobias leaned down to kiss her chaste lips. It was perhaps better than the first time, because he didn’t have to ask, and his arms were full of her as they had never been before. Her eyes had remained closed, and she responded with a content, incomprehensible sound; her mouth was cleaved to his in a daring, desperate sort of way that left her skin tingling and humming. And then it ended, both of them slightly short of breath and drinking each other in with wide, admiring eyes.

“Goodnight,” he whispered, backing away slowly, slowly, until only their fingertips were touching. And then he was out the door before he could stay there forever, just dancing with her while time stopped. It wouldn’t be right to keep her there, not the Head Girl who had responsibilities.

Say goodnight and go,
Why's it always, always
Goodnight and go?
Darling not again
Goodnight and go

But Andra would forsake them, she knew and even feared, if it meant whiling away her days with him. She pressed her lips into a frown as he disappeared, exhilarated by the evening’s events and yet dismayed to have them over. Why did he always have to say goodnight like that and go? Feeling oddly like Juliet on her balcony, Andra felt she would say goodnight to him until the day broke, if only to never watch him leave.


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