Doujinshi will ruin your life kids

Jul 13, 2013 12:15

You know, there's a yaoi artist named CJ Michalski. There's stuff of theirs on Mangafox or whatever if you want to look them up - it's not the greatest stuff, but it's not bad either. They'd otherwise be just another manga artist I've trolled through, nothing more than a blip. Except for one thing.

They've done Detective Conan yaoi doujinshi.

And they are the entire reason I have a slight trauma about taking Heiji seriously in any sort of romance situation.

You see, in my Conan yaoi anthologies, they've popped up once or twice. And one of the ones they've done was where Conan spent the entirely as a naked apron housewife with Heiji. Which would be silly, but cliche and acceptable yaoi randomness. No, where it goes weird is where Heiji slicks up his hairspike into a more vertical angle and....uh...uses it in ways hair was never intended to be used. As in, he sits Conan on top of his head and fucks him with his hair spike. And spins him around too for good measure. (And with the cheesiest grin imaginable, too, while Conan was all typical uke "Ahn ahn iyaaan~ <3")

I skimmed over this once. And from now until the end of time, whenever I start reading/watching/whatever Heiji in any sort of romantic situation, a tiny voice screams in the back of my head "WATCH OUT KAZUHA HIS HAIR SPIKE IS OUT FOR YOUR VIRGINITY" or other things along those lines, and then all seriousness is lost as I have mild hysterics.

So, this is how one single gag doujinshi forever ruined me for shipping a single character. Be careful out there kids.

And now all of you can enjoy the mental image of Heiji fucking people with his hair. You're welcome.

doujinshi, heiji, detective conan, what are you thinking japan

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