Random Ramblings (or, updates are a lot easier when stuff is actually happening!)

Oct 08, 2008 21:18

There's something either ironic or fitting about standing up to one of the people in charge at Disabled Student Services to assert that you don't need to take a class on... how to be assertive enough to get what you need. XD Backstory: It's required at my college that people registered with them take certain classes. However, when I took the learning-assessment test to see if I'm learning disabled and could get any accommodations (see early 2007 entry), the class didn't yet exist; the one that I did have to take was on how to use a special help-with-studying program.

Which I didn't use nearly as much as I had to claim to in order to pass the class, never used again after it, and IN class I got myself kind of in trouble when I finally burst out that the advice on the assignment sheet re: effective studying was the most patronizing thing I'd seen in a workbook since middle school. (I was smart enough not to say what I was really thinking, which was "How can you get to college and NOT know this?!") So... somehow I don't think taking another class offered by their department would be of much benefit. Honestly, I know what to say already, but I freeze up when someone's being a jerk; I really couldn't do more than sputter when my Bio teacher, last year, said to my face that arranging my testing accommodations is a pain. (Well... I could think of a few things, but telling him "All you have to do is drop off a copy of the test in the next building over, suck it up and deal," wouldn't have gone over very well.)

Besides that, I said exactly what I was supposed to when one of my teachers this semester pointed me towards someone to talk to about copying their notes for me... that she's supposed to make an announcement to the class regarding that, and she's not supposed to say who needs the notes copied, but that they should go to Disabled Student Services to arrange everything (and get a gift card for the campus bookstore at the end of the semester). The guy in question actually couldn't help, so when I told the teacher this--and the whole thing about being anonymous--she CALLED ME INTO THE HALL FIVE MINUTES LATER TO TALK TO THE PERSON WHO HAD AGREED. Okay, yes, us being able to talk is useful, but a) I hate being put on the spot, b) I'd just told her she's not supposed to do that! It's not just my preference, it's the policy that she's not supposed to!

The irony: the class she's teaching is on the legal system, and ethics are important enough to be the subject of the textbook's second chapter.

At least I have a label to put on said learning disability now? After I finally found a doctor who would LISTEN to me (and, incidentally, coming prepared with a filled-out checklist) I had my suspicion confirmed--I'm autistic! Well, okay, if you insist on being specific I have Asperger's Syndrome, but still. This really explains a hell of a lot! ^^ The obliviousness isn't so fun, but having Spock Speak as a native language is coming very much in handy--reading legal documents isn't taking much time to get used to. XD Plus, in legal matters one is supposed to be super-precise to avoid misunderstandings. I like this concept. (Of course, I already had to be a smartass in one assignment and comment that I had to wonder why a legal textbook was only implying that we were supposed to elaborate on our answers instead of just saying yes or no!)

In more randomness, last night in class we ended up watching the presidential-hopeful political debate; I really liked Obama's answers, but aside from that I was pretty bored (and occasionally enraged). Which would be why my mind went in the direction it did... at one point it was mentioned that they had a question from the internet. I cracked silently that I would love said question to be "do you liek mudkips?"

In happy news, I discovered I can study for decently long periods of time without wanting to explode/throw my textbook at the wall/go watch paint dry instead; the trick is have something to listen to instead of having something to read. I just need to record myself reading the textbook and I'm good! Though, as anyone who's met me IRL knows, I can't pronounce things for crap... case in point, I got something from the SFSU Alumni Association and wondered aloud what the heck they were contacting me for, at which point Mom had to correct me on the pronunciation. Turns out "alumni" and "aluminum" only look alike. ^^ This combined with the fact that I think I sound like a six-year-old should hopefully add in some amusement factor, considering the text I'll be reading!
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