Heres our car damn near under the water on August 4th. Think thats bad?
Pure Madness.
I'm already thinking of my future...My 2010 year is going to be amazing, challenging, and busy!
1. Possibly get the hell out of the city...Try to find somewhere around Elizabeth Town/Shepardsville to attend college for the time being...I hate the fast paced lifestyle...I can't seem to get anything done and my concentration is fading more and more everyday.
2. Have an active member base of 20 people in Growing Louisville Green. I have a feeling this is going to take off now that I met Joseph! ^_^
3. Find sincere friends that are into the electronic scene or dance about 60 miles radius of me...I want to spend time with someone worth it & maintain that friendship for a lifetime. *crosses toes*
4. Engage in Eastern spirituality and/or philosophy by visiting Buddhist, Taoist, or Hindu temples..wherever this might take me, I NEEDthis void filled.