(no subject)

Aug 30, 2005 08:31

Well fuck me, its been a busy weekend. Last friday we made our music video in a place called Pinner. Its gonna be insane, we had like three hot cheerleaders and like a hot lead girl. We also had three american footballers to, was fucking awesome. Was a long day, we were up at 5 and didnt get back in the house until like 12ish. Busy day fair play. Then Saturday we practiced and started on the last song thats gonna be on the album. We're working with Brendan, the singer of Wheatus for this song, and its sounding pretty good. Then Sunday we got up at like 6ish and then drove to oxford for our first show. Was insane, we had like a dressing room and loads of kool shit. We had to have loads of pics taken of us and we had to sign loads of stuff, which was pretty kool fair play. The show went pretty well, although i had a bit of shit with my tuner, which meant i wasn't playing in the first half of the second song we played. After we finished we went and met all our families in a pub down the road and then when we were finished there we had to drive to liverpool. When we got there we went for a walk about the city centre, which was fucking crazy. Liverpool is busy as piss, fair play. There were millions of kazillions of people out fair play. Loads of people kept touching my hair when i walked past them, made me feel claustrophobic as fuck. Then we went back to the hotel and chilled out with the McFly boys until like 1ish and then went to bed. Got up at like 7ish and had breakfast and then got to the show at like 10ish for sound check. We played at like 11.15am and it was fucking awesome fair play. The crowd were amazing, and when we finished we had to do a radio interview and stuff. After we finished we went back to the hotel and then left for the studio. Didnt feel very well in the evening and spewed up loads of brown shit in the toilet. Hurt loads!! Today we are gonna start recording this song with Brendan, and we found out hes gonna do guest vocals on the middle 8, it sounds awesome!!im off now but stay kool kids and thanks to everyone who text me and phoned me before and after our shows. One Love issit!!!! x

p.s. By the Sun today cos theres a pic of us in the Bizarre pages and a real article on us. SURREAL AS FUCK!!!!
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