Title: let's lay these bones to rest
cloudytea Characters/Parings: Cindy/Lennon, flash-sideways.
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Floods of colors invade her mind's eye. For
lost_land's prompt, Remember. 100 words.
every peak, every crevasse, every petty scar Title: but my hands were tied to the sky
cloudytea Characters/Parings: Cindy/Lennon
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Crude rope digs into her cheek. For
lost_land's prompt, Cage. 100 words.
a raindrop splatters and she sighs Title: save your tears for someone good
cloudytea Characters/Parings: Cindy/Lennon
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Lips are forceful, frantic. For
lost_land's prompt, Help. 100 words.
a double meaning