Title: Courage Can be Catching
Prompt: rain: 007. Cliché; 7snogs #1 - Uniform
Summary: Cliché: Love gives you the courage to overcome all obstacles. Even those dreaded finals. Peter/Lucy sibling fluff
Peter stared at his school and squared his shoulders, trying to make himself take those first steps towards the building that housed his looming finals.
Susan and Lucy were off towards their school, and Edmund had already disappeared into the dark halls of the academy.
"Wait, Peter!" Peter turned to see Lucy running towards him. "A kiss for luck," she said almost breathlessly. She reached up and pulled him down, pressing her lips against the corner of his mouth.
Peter smiled. "Thanks." Lucy grinned back. She called, "See you at the station after school!" over her shoulder as she ran back to Susan, who was waiting with a half-fond, half-exasperated smile on her face.
Peter waved, and was through the front doors before he noticed that he'd begun to move.
Notes: Narnia craze for the next (probably long) while.