Dec 02, 2007 03:25
I was looking back on my last 3 posts and all i can say is wow.. the last 3 posts were dated over a year and a half ago.... 3 days before he called me.. now were together friends with benifits, friends with love, lovers and feeling mates.. hes everything i ever wanted in a companion.. and I am utterly in love more then I can ever describe to anyone.. the relationship I had with conrad cant even touch what i have now.. he saved me.. he saved my kids.. I love him.. and now I truly know what love is. its beautiful to love someone and not feel a jolous rage, to trust without limits.. when hes next to me I sleep like a baby.. somethin I havnt been able to do for over 15 years. when he touches me I get chills. and when i hear his voice i know everything will be allright.. I love him...
I am shortkaik hear me roar..