I discovered, randomly, that a Russian lj user has written a list of rules of what to do in case of encountering, in real life, my skullflower icon. I translated it with googletranslate, so it's a little bit nonsense, but I think I get the drift:
"If you see in this picture the familiar image, you carefully read the following text. Try to remember where you met this picture may be someone in a magazine, in the archives, in galleries in the photo albums? You might have seen it in the comments? Remember, this is very important! That may depend on your future life.
But if you're careful and do everything I write, it is very possible, all costs. So, remember? Teeper remember how h man you associate this picture? If not, then close your eyes and mentally imagine the picture. The man, who in this picture us vspomnitsya itself. Remember? Do not be surprised.
For you, this man is not a threat. While.
Now, the basic rules of conduct when dealing with this man.
1. Do not look into his eyes. Not in any case, do not look into his eyes.
2. If you met him on the street, go to the other side of the road.
3. If he chihnet not wish him health. Neither vkoem case out! Just imagine!
4. Not zdorovaytes with him zaruku.
5. If we were together in one cage, then behave yourself naturally.
If you observe these rules, you will avoid the danger and the person may not cause you harm. But please be careful.
In a very strong desire, if it is impossible to resist, it can snuggle up and give sweets and stroke. But less than two minutes. Then zastvit divert attention from themselves. It hurts."
*edit* Here's the original post:
http://paushu.ru/2009/01/18/376I want to comment, but I can't figure out how cuz it's all in Russian! And I'm too impatient because my borrowed internet is slow.