Some Supernatural Thoughts

May 13, 2007 02:40

Gotta post these while they're still fresh.

LAME KRIPKE! If this is where the whole "Sam's uber special and destined to lead a war of demons against mankind" is going, well, you just suck. First of all, the Yellow Eyed Demon is quite possibly the least terrifying character on television. EVER. Wilhelmina from Ugly Betty is about nine billion times scarier, and she's HUMAN (well, so we're supposed to think). I know you probably don't have a lot of budgetary money leftover, but could you spring for some CGI? The yellow contacts are way too Halloweenish and definitely not in the good sense.

Sam. Are you an idiot? All trusting and shit? The only person he should have trusted was Andy because let's get real, he knew Ava for what? Ten minutes? Poor Lily. But why did they have to make the dark, goth chick the lesbian? Are there no lesbians like Ava out there? But still, Lily's power sucked. I'd have been okay with being hanged if everyone I ever touched died of a myocardial infarction (too much House).

The Roadhouse? Who cares? Ash is dead? Again, who cares? What useful information has Ash EVER really provided? And Ellen? Ditto. Blow them all up and see if I care. Oh, I guess you did. And I don't care. Pity Jo wasn't in there. Oh, was that too HARSH? Don't care.

Jake. He's hot. And I'm sad he stabbed poor Sammy in the back after Sammy got all noble. Not nice Mr. Supersoldier Man, I don't care how tasty you are! I wonder if we're supposed to believe he was sincere when professing his willingness to kill the demon once he rid himself of the Sam-man? No I guess not because EVERYONE is evil. Snooooze. Give me some moral greyness.

Ava? Ah well. Sam's got weird taste in ladies. I must be the only person out there who enjoyed watching Jessica get flambayed! But Ava, I was a bit sad that she went all Dark Side. The actress is way cute, and the way she switched from teary to hardcore bitch was AWESOME! I'm sad we won't be seeing her anymore. I think this actress would have been much better as Meg. ActressMeg was terrifying and again, not in the good way. I think it was the weird malformed lip.

Dean, as usual, saved it all for me. I could totally get behind a show with just Dean, although that might up the angst exponentially. Dean and Bobby! That'd be awesome. I do like me some Bobby. And props to Sam for a quiet, non dramatic death. I don't have a lot of faith in the Padalecki's acting skills so it was very wise of him to go with simple. And Dean's desperate "SAM!" at the end ripped out my guts. Just like poor Andy. Who I would date if he was real and, you know, not gutted like a fish. Because he's my special kind of nerd.

I swear, if next week Shut Up Daddy (I love that name for him) comes to save the day I might just throw my shoe at the computer. And the mom knowing the Yellow Eyed Demon? Very anti-climactic. VERY VERY VERY. You know why? Because this whole demon-destiny-future is all so lame. They need Kim Manners at the helm ASAP. His X-Files episodes, for the most part, were always good and strong. While the mytharc there could sometimes get irritating, the first five seasons were fairly consistent. Here, not so. I think there was way too much build-up to this amazing Sam-going-evil thing, what with Shut UP Daddy's last nugget of wisdom being to kill Sam should things go wonky. But there was no real temptation for Sam to go the way of evil. They didn't even try to show us that. Sam took the moral high ground, and rightly so, but if it was supposed to be so serious, Sam should have wavered. He would have killed Jake. But he didn't. He just walked away. So where is this struggle between good and evil that's going to seduce the inner demon in Sam?

We all know he isn't "dead." How they fix his deadness, however, is a huge concern to me. If death stops becoming permanent then it's no longer something to fear. And we are watchers no longer have to worry when Dean gets electrocuted or hit by a bus or if Sam gets a Bowie knife in the back. And that's not good, considering the premise of the show. Now if Sam comes back as a ghost, like Bob from Dresden Files, that could be fun. :)

Supernatural, I will stick with you if you get renewed. But only because Jensen Ackles rocks my nerdtacular world. And with that, I leave you.
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