And how did everyone else celebrate Father's Day??

Jun 15, 2008 19:02

*laughs* So yeah... today was father's day... My sister and I went half on a gift and got him several things. We got him two movies that we thought he would enjoy. We also got him two pounds of Orange Slices and Four pounds of Twizzlers. My dad loves both of those! And then Richard got my dad Beer and he ended up cooking dinner for everyone. We had burgers on the grill that were very very good. Although getting the presents for dad was interesting. *laughs*

Ok so yesterday was our quest. We ended up going in the different direction then we usually go. We were actually going to Fashion Bug because Chrissey wanted to go and we never were able to get there when it was open. So yeah we ended up going to get that. I ended up getting six shirts so I did pretty good. Of course the way to we ended up running into like torrential downpour. It got so bad we ended up pulling over into like a sidestreet... and waited for a few minutes with the motorcycle that also pulled over. Then we started up again. But yeah after Fashion Bug we hit the bookstores in the area. I got some manga... but of course. ^^;; And then when we were trying to figure out food the rain began again... so we ended up finding a Cici pizza's in some shopping center and decided to go there.

Was pretty good food actually... I mean its like 7 something for like a pizza, salad, pasta, soup, dessert buffet so I definitely can't complain with that. So yeah... it wasn't the best pizza but you got to have a bunch of different types and that's always neat. Plus the little cinnamon buns were sooooooo yummy! *giggles* And then after we ate we went to walmart and got dad's gifts... and because I'm a dork I got the Fantastic Four cartoon season one box set... because I loved that show!

But anyways... Father's day... I completely sidetracked myself.... We woke up and had to try and salvage what we could of the cherry tree out back. We've had this cherry tree for years and years and years.... but yeah the wind yesterday was so bad that it knocked the tree over... so dad and Chrissey valiantly tried to see if they could prop it back up and get the roots back under and we're hoping that it survives... but we're not sure. But anyways like half the branches were lost... so we had to go through all of them... pull off all the cherries that were still good and trash it... So we have a boat load of cherries. So that was my morning today. And I took a shower so I'm nice and clean. And then we ended up going out. Today is the last day of the sale at Giant for cheap sodas... so we stocked up. And then I had to take my Fantastic Four box set back to walmart... because yeah... I opened it this morning and yeah... DVD 1 was so not in the box... *sweatdrops* So yeah I got a new one... and opened it up in the store just to make sure everything was actually there. We also ate at Taco bell. Yay taco bell! And yeah that's about it..... got home... we started watching Saiyuki again. We love that anime so much so we figured why not its been awhile. And then we ate dinner and yeah... that's about it for our day.

And that's about it for my weekend. And I'm going to watch more Saiyuki and then go to bed for work tomorrow... Ewww.... evil work.
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