Dreaming of Magnum...

Oct 11, 2008 08:20

Last night I had the most bizarre dream about photography.

I dreamt that I was at my Tenants association meeting, (or it might have been some other kind of Peabody Trust meeting) and I was taking some photographs. At some point I find myself working next to another photographer.

Anyway, he’s shooting with a Hasselblad and trying to get lots of interesting shots and as we work we chat about photography and cameras and so on. I can’t quite remember how it gets introduced to the conversation, but it turns out that his name is Josef, (I think) and he’s a member of Magnum.

Weird thing one: Magnum? Taking photos for the Peabody Trust? I don’t think so somehow!

I exclaim that that’s pretty cool and that if he every needs an assistant on a shoot I’m available. He says that he might and then this segment of the dream ends. In the next part I am now working for him as an assistant and we’re due to fly to Brazil for a shoot. We’re both in a large photographic studio, I’m in the process of sorting through the gear that we need and he’s chatting to me as I do this.

I then wake up. Damn!

Weird thing two: The only person in Magnum that’s called Josef is Josef Koudelka. As he was born in 1938 he’s older than me and in my dream the photographer was definitely younger than me.

Weird thing three: When we were due to fly to Brazil I kept thinking that the photographer had now somehow metamorphosed into Sebastião Salgado. Salgado was born in 1944, so he’s not younger than me either as well.

How very strange dreams are.

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