uummmm ok...take some advice dear

May 25, 2005 21:35

Sometimes you reach a point in your life and you don't know where to fo from there...i have a friend at that point...i hate it when there isn't anything i can do to help...i can give you my advice, and either you will take it or you won't..i've been in your shoes, and i know that it sucks..but sometimes is takes you ending a chapter in your life, so that you can start another...sometimes you just have to leave to deal with it..it's not running..because you know that in the end it will still be there..it just takes that distance to be able to REALLY deal with it...sometimes it takes you giving up something to gain something else..don't be scared to do it just because you will be alone...girls are dumb..i know we are..i know that we change our minds every 2 1/2 seconds, and get aggrivated because you didn't know that we did..but...guys have faults too..anyway..do whats gonna make you happy...be selfish for once in your life....please...i know that you have it in you....:) and i love you
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