Late Night Musings: 2016 Edition

May 29, 2016 03:26

Time passes. Faces vanish into the recesses of our mind. Memories fade. All that remains of those we love and are loved by are the changes they etch upon our souls. The impressions they leave upon us help to shape the nature of our being. We owe it to the world to try and make it a better place by doing what we can to shape the people in a positive manner.

We don't always succeed.

We sometimes leave wounds upon the souls of those we meet, intentionally or not, and those wounds shape people in a negative way. Every decision and action we take results in a consequence. People never seem to weigh the consequences of their actions. We hurt people we don't intend to hurt and it usually happens for a really stupid reason. Time does not heal all wounds. If we are smart, and if we are observant enough, we can heal those wounds before they turn into scars. Once the wounds become scars, there is very little hope to undo the damage we cause. The scars we leave on others tend to end up reflected back upon us.

All we can do is our best.

It seems such a daunting task to try and live life the right way by not hurting the people that matter the most to you. When you do, and you fail to do anything to undo that hurt, that brings about an immense guilt that darkens your own soul. That guilt then shapes all of your future actions and it changes the way you approach the rest of your life. It affects the way that you approach all of your future relationships. You become distant, cold, and unfeeling. Eventually, your soul succumbs to the darkness and you get lost in apathy.

Apathy leads to hopelessness which in turn leads to despair. Your spirit breaks.

This is when we reach the bottom. This is where we all forget the simple truth: You are not alone. We all have to do the best that we can in everything that we do but that doesn't mean we have to go it alone. There is no challenge too difficult, no battle too hard, no hill too difficult to climb if you utilize the people you have surrounded yourself with. They are there to help pick you up when you fall, to push you up the hill, to stand beside you through the tough times. These are the people whose faces eventually will fade, who will shape your soul, and who will ultimately help mold you into the person that you will become.
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