Pffft. You said yourself, it's low-level anyway. Why'd I want it?
Now, I MIGHT just have to kill you for not bringing any of my materia with you from home! Jayzus, man, I let you borrow it so you could use it, NOT so you could shove it in a box somewhere and forget about it!
Hero of the Jenova war, Cloud Strife, LYING to me?
Hey, I was busy! It's not like the WRO's Intel doesn't need watching 24/7! And even if it didn't, Reeve forgets to eat. I honestly don't think he even feels hunger at all.
Now, I MIGHT just have to kill you for not bringing any of my materia with you from home! Jayzus, man, I let you borrow it so you could use it, NOT so you could shove it in a box somewhere and forget about it!
Wasn't my fault that I didn't need it and you weren't around to take it back.
Hey, I was busy! It's not like the WRO's Intel doesn't need watching 24/7! And even if it didn't, Reeve forgets to eat. I honestly don't think he even feels hunger at all.
Riiiight. And here I thought you just trained his cat to feed him.
I mean. Seriously. Cats? Way totally untrainable.
Clearly you never tried switching out the motherboard to Cait when Reeve's not looking.
Oh my gawd. Duuuude, if Reeve ever finds out you did that, he will totally kick your ass. He knows how to use a gun now. You should be scared.
Who do you think taught him?
Pfffft. We ALL know the answer to that one, and it WASN'T you.
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