Goals (2011 edition)

Dec 30, 2010 17:53

Well, of the goals I set for last year, I only accomplished 2 1/4 of them. I reorganized the library, turning it into what my wife calls "the most comfortable room in the house." I read one book on Rockefeller. (I was supposed to read three.) And I read eleven books by authors I'd never read before. (The goal was twelve - one for each month of the year. November distracted me with tons of mail to deliver.)

So, am I abandoning this whole goal setting because I blew most of them last year?

No. If I hadn't set a goal of redoing the library last year, it would still be a jumbled mess. So, in that, I feel like 2010's goals were successful.

With that in mind, here are my goals for 2011:

1)               Writing (Creative): The first week of each month will be dedicated to writing a new short story. By the end of the week, said story will be written, self-edited and posted to the OWW.

2)               Writing (Creative): The remaining weeks will be dedicated to novel writing as follows: Jan - Mar: Final edits on OAL. Apr - Sept: Writing new novel. Oct - Dec: Edits on new novel.

3)               Writing (Business): At the end of each month, each short story not currently submitted will be sent out to an appropriate market.

4)               Writing (Business): OAL will be submitted to my top ten potential agents no later than my birthday. If nothing comes of these submissions, OAL will officially retire from the field and possibly be serialized on my LiveJournal.

5)               Writing (Business): I will schedule myself off from writing two days a week.

6)               Personal (Physical): I will establish a new exercise routine with the intent of losing at least ten pounds.

7)               Personal (Spiritual): Begin in depth Bible study sessions with the family.

8)               Personal (Mental): Subscribe to Games Magazine and work through the magazine.

9)               Relational (Marriage): Enroll in ballroom dance class with Joy.

10)          Home Improvement: Redecorate Master Bedroom to fairy tale theme.

Yes, I'm well aware that #4 violates some age old writer wisdom about not putting rejected novels out on the 'net. However, I'm quite proud of Oak, Ash, and Lilac even all these years after having written it. Sooner or later, we have to let our children go and make their way in the world. This will be my way of doing that for Gabby.

I'm also getting a head start on #6 - down one pound already.

gabby, goals, oal

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