Aswiebe's Market List Update 2010-01

Jan 16, 2010 17:49

The next update of Aswiebe's Market List will be on 02/15/2010.
Permanent link to this newsletter in the archives:

Editor's Note
I've always been proud of my ability to get the rough draft written without being afraid of writing crap and without necessarily "feeling inspired." (Inspiration comes with effort, not vice versa.) I only recently realized that I've fallen into another similar trap--the "I can't write under these circumstances" trap. Sure, I get my best writing done in large chunks of time, in relative isolation, with a particular story soundtrack, cats to pet, and a mug of tea. That doesn't mean I can't or shouldn't write under other circumstances if I'm not going to get "ideal" writing time. 100 words written longhand on the bus here, 100 words typed into google docs during downtime there--and I'll end up with a short story.

Writing in two different mediums means that there are bits in between left out that I'll need to write in later, as I type the whole thing up. And writing longhand means when I know how a later scene goes, or how an earlier scene *should* go, I have to put in a little section break with a note about where that bit should go. In short, it's something of a mess, but it's getting a story written.

It's good that I've realized I need to produce more short stories even under difficult circumstances, since I seem to be getting a number of them published recently. My short fantasy science fiction story, "A Phoenix By Any Other Name," is now up at! It's a quick, free read. This is an older story of mine that I revamped and sent out, and I'm quite pleased it's found a home.


"I need a creature that none have seen, and it should be wild and impressive to the eye. It must be perfect. I am hosting a party, and I intend it to be an occasion that people will speak of for months. It occurred to me that a live, exotic creature would add a touch of novelty." Lupant looked down his nose at his surroundings, as if doubting such a thing could be found here.

"Certainly, sir," Bruant said. "Let me show you our stock." He gestured to the store window, where two rigid gray lizards balanced upright on the tips of their tails, their eyes closed, their forelegs crossed over their chests. "These tomb-lizards are from the planet Cassial. They are known as tomb-lizards because of the resemblance between their dormant state and gravestones: the gray color, the posture--"

"Do they do anything interesting?"

Bruant blinked. "Every half-hour, they revive, change to their normal color, and run around frantically for about ten minutes."

"In other words, no."

Read more.
Things Shiny or Useful

* On book readings:
* Kelly Carmichael's comprehensive and step-by-step guide to writing a synopsis:
* Computer wallpapers with writerly quotes:
* 20 min technique-heavy video, really worth watching, about marketing on the internet (based on non-fiction book marketing, but applies to fiction or other endeavors). Good enough to be added to my "to do once novel published" file:
* Deepen your scenes:
* How to personalize your revision checklist (This motivated me to start my own revision checklist):
* Encouraging and useful video of 28 authors giving writing advice--set to music.
* Fully Exploiting a Character's First Scene:
* How writing is like running (and yes, for me it's this exactly):
* "Ten Mistakes Writers Don't See:"
* Avoid using the wrong cliche:
* A humorous guide to avoiding misspellings:

Featured Market
Realms of Fantasy is a professional market for all types of fantasy and the "unclassifiable."

Stories should be no longer than 10,000 words, and can address any area in the realms of fantasy: heroic, contemporary, traditional, feminist, dark, light, and the ever-popular “unclassifiable.” What we do not want to see is standard SF (this means no alien worlds, no hard-edged technology, no FTL drives, etc.)  Additionally, ROF is not a market for poetry.  What we do want to see is the very best in the field-Realms of Fantasy is a highly competitive market.

The basics: Fantasy and unclassifiable, 0 - 10,000 words, pay begins at $.06/word (less for > 7,500 words, more for professional writers), accepts snail mail submissions only.
Market List Updates
To see all the details about these new listings and what they're looking for, as well as hundreds of other listings, go to Aswiebe's Market List and download the latest version of the spreadsheet.

What they want
Pay Per Word - Fiction
Flat Pay - Fiction (Lowest)

Holiday-themed zombie stories

Arkham Tales
Pulp adventure, weird horror, and fantastic

Cezanne's Carrot
visionary, magic realism, transformative, spiritual


Clarkesworld Magazine
likes language

Realms of Fantasy
Fantasy and unclassifiable

Best New Zombie Tales ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 01/31/2010
Zombie story reprints

Escape Pod


TiconderogaOnline - DEAD MARKET
SF/F/H - esp. stylistic/gonzo


Electric Dragon Short Story CONTEST - QUARTERLY - DEAD MARKET


Black Ink Horror


Marginal Boundaries
All spec-fic


Greek Myths Revisited ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 10/30/2010
Greek myths remixed into H/SF/F


Twisted Fairy Tales V2 ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 10/31/2010
Fairytales rewritten into H/SF/F


Frightening Fables and Freaky Fairytales ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - CLOSES WHEN FILLS
Fables or fairytales with a horror twist


State of Horror: Louisiana ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 04/01/2010
Horror themed to the state


State of Horror: New York ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 02/01/2010 - 05/01/2010
Horror themed to the state


State of Horror: Texas ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 04/01/2010
Horror themed to the state


Steampunk Reloaded: Volume 2 ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 02/15/2010
Steampunk--reprints only.

Terminal Earth ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 03/15/2010
intelligent stories with a backdrop of the end of the world


Null Immortalis - Nemonymous Ten ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 04/30/2010
Themed to "null immortalis"--whatever that means to you

Wily Writers
all spec-fic--issues are themed


Aswiebe's Market List
  • Aswiebe's Market List is a searchable, sortable spreadsheet of paying fantasy, science fiction, and horror markets. This way it's easy to find, for example, only horror markets that accept reprints greater than 10,000 words. For more information on what it is and how to use it, see About's Market Spreadsheet.
  • If you find it useful, please consider donating via PayPal to help support it.
  • To help prevent these from being flagged as spam, please add this email to your contacts. Thanks!
  • If you get a story published in a market on this list, let me know and I'll add a note to the next newsletter!
  • Feel free to forward this email on to people you think might find it useful. If you're so moved, go ahead and link to Aswiebe's Market List on your blog or webpage.
  • To report a new paying market, go to my contact page.

Aswiebe's Market List
About Aswiebe's Market List
Abra Staffin Wiebe's main website
Abra Staffin Wiebe's blog

Keep writing, keep submitting, and good luck!

Abra Staffin Wiebe, Compiler of Lists

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