Writing Logs, Cumulative

Mar 16, 2009 12:02

03/15/2009 - Sunday
* MinnSpec meeting on developing your protagonist, then workshop that got Vicesteed chapters 23-24(partial) through. There was much discussion of The Necessity for Climbing a Wall.

03/14/2009 - Saturday the 14th, 1/2 work at NgithOwl
* Processed 2nd (?) acknowledgment of receipt for "Demons of Disease."
* Submitted "A Phoenix By Any Other Name" to Fusion Fragment, and discovered 2 dead markets in my market listings spreadsheet while figuring out where to submit it too.
* Thanks to a tip from Inktea, figured out I'd submit "Dining on a Dead Girl's Dime" to http://mnartists.org/article.do?rid=225909 next. Which is good, because I have *such* difficulty figuring out where to submit my literary stories. I write one of them and think, "Ugh. I committed literature again. So much more annoying to try and sell!" Added it to calendar and submission order spreadsheet.
* Updated market list from Duotrope.

03/13/2009 - Friday the 13th, full work at IDS (with some downtime)
* Critiqued final manuscript for Minnspec critique meeting.
* Read WritersMarket, FFWSmallMarkets, FundsforWriters newsletters.
* Began critique for Critters workshop.
* Via Nathan Bransford's post (http://nathanbransford.blogspot.com/2009/03/this-week-in-publishing_13.html), I discovered the wonderful Query Shark (http://queryshark.blogspot.com/) and promptly added it to my feeds.

03/12/2009 - Thursday, full work at IDS (now with downtime!)
* Read a good post about "The 5.75 questions you've been avoiding": http://blog.writersdigest.com/norules/575+Questions+Youve+Been+Avoiding.aspx
* Read FundsforWriters, Critters, WritersWeekly newsletters.

03/11/2009 - Wednesday, full work
* Read Writer's Digest newsletter.

03/10/2009 - Tuesday, full work
* Nothing.

03/09/2009 - Monday, full work
* Nothing

03/08/2009 - Sunday, no work
* Posted writing logs.
* Updated market list from Duotrope.
* Submitted "Demons of Disease" to Sci Phi.
* Processed "does not have the tone and authenticity we seek" same-day (!) personal rejection of "The Radiator Burped" from Expanded Horizons.
* Submitted "The Radiator Burped" to OG's Speculative Fiction.
* Processed receipt acknowledgment for "Demons of Disease."

a phoenix by any other name, writerblog, dining on a dead girl's dime, radiator burped, vicesteed, critiquing, writing, demons of disease, writing log, link

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