Note: No writing stuff was done on Thursday, because I was busy recovering from New Years' Eve. By which I mean staggering around and groaning.
12/31/2008 - Wednesday, New Years Eve, no work
Penthius freewriting, medium-potential dance trance.
* Posted writing log
* Processed new story statuses for "The Old Woman By The Sea" (waiting for crits), "Salvaging Scottwell" (leveling up), and Tree of Life (writing). Gotta track these things, or they fall through the cracks.
* Made editing changes to Vicesteed, draft 2.
* Updated submission order for "Warmth in the Cold Time"
* Submitted "Warmth in the Cold Time" to Shock Totem and updated various statuses.
* Pre-registered for CONvergence, added to writing expenses spreadsheet. (That's right, tax deductible, bay-bee! Books and movies are too.)
* Read FFWSmallMarkets, FundsforWriters, WritersWeekly newsletters
* Failed my grammar research roll and posted a request for info about tricksy grammatical constructions. Got lots of people going, "Huh, that is an odd one, now that I think about it." Also, an answer!