08/10/2008 - Sunday, no work
* Posted writing log
Penthius freewriting, a really neat magic realism take on Ukrainian Easter eggs.
* Typed up the story idea Phil mused for me and deposited a placeholder in penthius.
* Updated market list from Critters, Ralan newsletter, and notes I've left myself.
* Then the internets were cranky, so instead of my usual Sunday work, I did a few more pages of redmarking Vicesteed.
* Processed "Dining on a Dead Girl's Dime" non-win of Weird Tales spam-inspired story contest.
* Processed crit of "And the Dog Died." Oops. Yeah, I guess I only explained some parts in my own mind.
* Processed Les Bonnes Fees personal rejection of "The Radiator Burped" - "not quite right for us. Of course, I can't really tell you what is right for us, because I don't know until I see it. That said, your work is wonderful, and I'd love to see more." Moderately encouraging.
08/11/2008 - Monday, 1/2 work at IDS, but saw movie in the PM instead of writing.
* Read FFW Small Markets, FundforWriters newsletters
* Downloaded files to crit from TCSFWNetc and posted my intro. Maybe I should have done that *before* putting my story up for critique!
* Started doing crit of "The Delivery" for writers group.
* Processed
todfox's crit of "And the Dog Died"