(no subject)

Oct 19, 2006 01:47

Some of you are familiar with the usefulness of Flylady, some of you are not. Some of you think the whole damn idea is stupid. Basically, Flylady is for those of us who have difficulty preventing ourselves from either going overboard and being total perfectionists or procrastinating until everything falls apart when we try to balance basic household chores like cleaning, cooking...and planning for the holidays. Despite typos and occasional grammar difficulties and a certain conservative sort of viewpoint that sometimes makes me wince, I'm so very grateful for the system. And you know me. When I think something's great, I like to share.

Dear Friends,

Every year we declare that this year we will be ready for the
holidays and every single year we find ourselves wrapping gifts or
running to the grocery at the last minute. Do you want to have a
stress free holiday?

I can see you affirming this with your head
nods! Well it is not going to happen if you just sit and wish things
could be different. It is going to take a little Franny moving on
your part so that your lives will be peaceful. Are you ready to look
at some simple ways to keep your life calm during the holidays? If
you will follow our 6 weeks worth of missions, you will have a head
start on holiday preparations.

1. The very first thing that we all have to do is maintain our homes.
Now I am talking about having your routines established so your home
practically cleans itself. I know you don't believe me, but it will
happen if you will just get up and dress to shoes every single day,
commit to keeping your sink shining and lay out your clothes for
tomorrow. This is not rocket science. I can hear you now, "I don't
know where to start!" I am going to tell you. Many people need to see
some clean so they can keep it that way; It is the perfectionist in
each of us. This is why we always start with our sinks. Shining sinks
make us smile which energizes us into keeping the rest of the kitchen
clean too. On our website we have a link to an essay called Crisis
Cleaning. This is a simple and fun way to stay focused and get your
home picked up in record time. We all have done stash and dash to get
ready for company; this is a little different, because you are
required to rest and take care of yourself. We use a timer, fun music
and a happy attitude while we do this. The hardest part is keeping it
looking nice, but you can do this if you will pick up after yourself.
Yes I said you! We are the world's worst at putting things away when
we are finished, probably because we never finish anything. If we
will just practice stopping and putting things away, then your home
will stay looking nice until your company comes. In fact your home
will look nice for you and your family all the time, not just when
guests are coming. I can hear you yelling at me. It is the rest of
the family that trashes the home. Well get over it. It is your
responsibility to set the example and give them fun ways to pick up
and put away; 27 Fling Boogies, Hot Spot Fire Preventions twice a day
or at the top of every hour. This way, things will get put away on a
regular schedule. Then every night as part of your before bed
routine; everything gets put away and you get to start with a
peaceful room each morning.


Click on FLYing lessons; scroll down to the section, As you make
progress and you will see the last item; FlyLady's Crisis Cleaning.
Print this out and follow it step by babystep.

2. Now with your home looking nice, you are freed up to think about
the holidays, but you can't forget about keeping it picked up. There
are lots of things that need to be done, so it is important that we
not only make a few plans, but that we carry out those plans in
babysteps. We all are good at making lists but we never really follow
through with those ideas. We are going to help you with this. As part
of your basic weekly plans we will integrate holiday missions. These
are going to be fun. Kelly has a way of wording her Holiday Cruising
Missions that they are not like work at all. You will be blessing
your family with a happy person instead of a stressed out one.

3. We always spend way too much money on gifts and decorations. It is
time we looked at this with a budget in mind. Now I am not going to
get picky about every single penny you spend, but I don't want you
dragging out those credit cards all the time for unplanned purchases
and then having to pay the piper next year with huge interest and
overwhelming guilt. A little thought and actual doing, you can have a
stress free holiday and an even more peaceful new year without the

4. None of us have enough time, yet we all have the same amount. It
is time that we quit whining about this and accept that we can't get
it all done and just do what we can. Do you understand this? Life is
too short to dwell on what doesn't get done. Celebrate what you do
every day and start fresh each morning. Don't look back and jump in
right where we are. This is going to be a lot of fun if you will
quit feeling sorry for yourself and commit to doing one thing to get
ready for the holidays each and every day.

5. The holidays are supposed to be a time to enjoy your family while
setting up traditions that make you and your family happy. This is a
tough one. Your traditions may not be fun anymore. You have always
done the same thing and no one ever questioned it. If your traditions
don't make you smile then it may be time for new ones. Who says you
have to have a traditional holiday meal or get-together. The most
important part is that each member of your immediate family feel
loved. Have a family meeting to discuss your plans and ask for
suggestions. I have always told my son and his wife that we can have
our Christmas anytime. This it is not a requirement that I see him on
December 25th. When he was a baby, we were expected to attend
traditional celebrations at the Grandparents homes. We were blessed
that we all lived in the same town, but two dinners 4 hours apart is
too much. Make your decisions now and stick to them. Keep it fun for
your family and most of all stress free for you. You know what we
say, if Momma ain't happy ain't nobody happy.

6. Decorating can be stressful all by itself. The perfectionism in us
wants to see it done all at once. Well sisters that is just too much
for anyone. We can start small, by just putting out candles first,
then do one small box at a time. After about 7 days you can have the
whole house decorated for the holidays and it has been done 15
minutes at a time. Don't forget to be nice to yourself putting things
away after the first of the year. BabySteps will get it decorated and
undecorated; without the guilt. One member let the children put
ornaments on the tree each evening. They would light a candle and
just put one ornament each on the tree until it was decorated. They
made a special occasion and had fun. Isn't that what the holidays are
all about; Family time. You can do these things if you are not
stressed out by the hustle and bustle of the holiday season and your
home. This is why I want you to pretend that you are going on a
Cruise December 1st. That way you can be free of the last minute
torture and just sit back and have a good time with your family.

7. Everyone loves to make gifts for your friends as well as bake.
Well if you have not thought about those homemade sewn gifts by now,
let's face it, they are probably not going to be finished by the
deadline. Right now you may be feeling a bit guilty. Well stop this.
There are some simple little gifts that can be made that most
everyone loves: Spice tea, my cafe mocha mix, cookies in a jar. You
know them as well as I do. All you have to do is stir them up and put
in a jar and put a bow on them; Simple, easy to do and fun for the
family to help. Don't get caught up in trying to impress when it is
going to put too much stress in your life. Now if you have been
knitting all year or quilting then you have your projects well in
hand. I am very proud of you, but for those of us that are not there
yet, let it go and keep it simple. Some friends of mine like to have
a cookie swap. Each person bakes their favorite holiday cookie recipe
and puts them in containers to give away. Everyone at the party gets
a variety of holiday cookies and you didn't have to fix them all
yourself. Yippee! More fun and less work: That's for me! The good
thing about cookie dough is that it can be frozen! Mix up several
batches and roll them into balls or wax paper logs to be cut later;
children love to help. Then you will have cookie dough ready for the
baking without all the mess.

8. Menu planning and preparation can be hard on your budget, that is
why it is a good idea to start buying now. You have six weeks before
USA Thanksgiving to spread out your purchases; Buy a few items at a
time and stock up. I like to keep hors d'oeuvres on hand for those
impromptu parties we like to have. With our home in order we can pick
up the phone and invite people over for an evening without having to
run to the store. We keep several varieties of crackers and cheeses
on hand, as well as cookies, fruit, and beverages. Sometimes it is
just fun to treat my sweetie to an evening of candles and hors
d'oeuvres when he comes home after a hard day at work. We all like to
be treated like company. Before you start buying it is a good idea
to plan your menu and make your grocery list so you can check the
specials before you make your grocery run.

9. Now for the rest of the family's gifts. I am not a big fan of
shopping and mall crowds, this is why I order many of our gifts and I
shy away from clutter. I also try to shop at home as much as
possible. We all need to limit our purchases to our list that we are
going to make. Write down all the names of people you intend to buy
for and set an amount and don't go over it. By starting now, you will
have plenty of time to find an acceptable gift without maxing out
your credit cards.

10. Another thing I absolutely despise is gift wrapping. I try to do
as little as possible. In fact I am not fond of buying wrapping
paper. Ribbons are another story. I love pretty ribbons. I have been
known to wrap our gifts in brown paper bags from the grocery store
and put pretty gold ribbons around them and use old greeting cards
for gift tags. A few years ago I even wrapped them in unprinted
newsprint paper and spray painted them gold. I guess I can be a
cheapskate sometimes. When I buy gifts, I usually take the time to
have them wrapped while I am there. That way I don't have to do it
myself. Since I live in a small town they usually don't charge for

11. The hardest person to buy for in your home is YOU! Do you have
any idea what you would like for a gift. Our spouses and our children
cannot read our minds, it is up to you to give them a want list. Now
is the time to start making your list and don't keep it a secret. We
have our children do it, so why not try this. This doesn't mean you
are going to get all you have asked for, but it will give your loved
ones someplace to start.

I want for you what I have; Peace. This peace came from using my
routines to keep my home in order and a little planning ahead with 15
minutes of moving my Franny each day to accomplish what I have
planned. You can have this peace too, if you will adjust your
attitude toward the holidays and take care of yourself.

Are you ready to Cruise through the holidays too?


household hints, home stuff, seasonal, links

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