Writing Thoughts in Passing

Jan 30, 2019 14:41

It's still only January, but so much has kicked into gear for this year already! Some I can announce, some I can't yet.

Several people have subscribed recently, and it is the beginning of the year, so I thought I'd give you a refresher on where else you can find me. I have not one, not two, but three email newsletters!
  • Aswiebe's Market List - This one! A monthly update on new publications accepting science fiction, fantasy, and horror, along with a few of my favorite writing links.
  • My teaching newsletter - Get notifications when I'm teaching classes or running free workshops in the Twin Cities area.
  • Abra's Quarterly Compendium of Delight - A quarterly(ish) author newsletter with news of my publications, recommended free fiction, exclusives, and assorted other fun things. Subscribers also get quick updates when I have something new out.

Other places you can find me!

My author website is at http://www.aswiebe.com/. If you go there and click on "Stories," you will find links to read many of my published works. Some are free! I'm in the middle of building a new website that looks like it was made in the last decade, so pardon the plaster dust and redirects.

What I've been up to lately, writing-wise:

I've been working on a grant application for an artist residency. As an SF writer, this is a tricky needle to thread, but it has jumpstarted the process of me creating an author website that looks like it was made in the past decade. Part of the application requires an online portfolio, so that is up and will exist for the next month or so. Three of my favorite stories are up there, free to read for a limited time, so go take a look!

(This webpage will probably redirect you--the domain is in the middle of being transferred. And pardon the plaster dust and thumping sounds as I renovate my website.)

My short story, "Road of Dreams," is now out in the Transcendent anthology, a large compilation of stories inspired by dreams, nightmares, and hallucinations. Don't read before bedtime. ;)

Read the full newsletter here: http://www.aswiebe.com/writing/markets.html
  Originally posted at https://cloudscudding.dreamwidth.org/1129107.html on Dreamwidth.org.

tag writerblog, aswiebe's market list, marketnews

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