Aswiebe's Market List 2016-02: Ghosts on Drugs

Feb 19, 2016 16:26

The next update of Aswiebe's Market List will be after 3/15/2016.
Permanent link to this newsletter in the archives:

Random ThoughtsA writing to-do list is a powerful tool, but only if you include actual due dates and actually check the to-do list. In possibly related (and not so random) news, my apologies for skipping January's newsletter. January had a lot going on in my personal life.

What I've been up to lately, writing-wise:Taxes and paperwork and other less-fun-than-writing things have been eating my writing time, as have some large photography projects, but I think I'm almost out of the weeds!

"In Their Image" is now available to read or to download as a podcast over at Escape Pod as part of their monthlong Artemis Rising II event. Read it for philosophy and fluffy pink murderbear aliens! Readers compare it positively to Speaker for the Dead.


When I stepped off the shuttle and breathed in the dry grass scent of Trade City, I was still confident I could launch the first human church on Landry’s World. My fellow passengers had been politely non-interested when I explained the mission my church had sent me on. A few had shaken their heads as they glided away. I thought maybe they objected to a female preacher. Or maybe it was because I’m an ex-marine. I’m an “ex-” a lot of things: ex-marine, ex-atheist, ex-drunk, ex-wife, and ex-mother-that last because I was a poor enough mother that when my kids grew up, they washed their hands of me.

Read more.

In other exciting news, my teaching proposal has been accepted at The Loft, a Minneapolis literary center. I will be teaching a class this summer on submitting fantasy, science fiction, and horror short stories. From submission formatting to market research to actually submitting a story, this class will walk students through the process of sending out their short story. By the end of this class, students will have submitted their story and will possess a new set of skills and tools to assist them in the future. I'll make another announcement when the class schedule is set and available for sign-up.

And last but certainly not least, I'm going to be launching a newsletter (not about writing markets) in the next couple of weeks. Every three to four months, I'll tell you about wonderful and bizarre things, including new publications, free reads, newsletter exclusives, and giveaways. Social media may come and go, fade out of use, or randomly hide things (ahem, Facebook, ahem!), so I really encourage you to join my newsletter group if you want to keep in touch. And signing up gets you a free novella-length ebook! You can join at my website OR (special offer!) by simply clicking "Reply" to this email and changing the subject line to "Subscribe News." If you're interested, do it now!

Things Shiny or Useful
Archive of all shiny or useful links:
* Are these really words?:
* ISBW Writing Rules (podcast):
* Writing Excuses 11.2: How To Get The Most Out Of A Conference, with Kathy Chung (podcast):
* Writing Excuses 11.03: Layering The Elemental Genres (podcast):

Featured Market
Ghosts on Drugs anthology wants, well, humorous stories about ghosts on drugs.

The only rule is that a tale include some version of at least one ghost who's on some version of at least one drug.

And both key terms are broadly defined-e.g., a ghostwriter hooked on cough syrup could fit, and a dead ancient god with an inhumanly intense craving to be worshipped again could too.

[...]This book is designed to be playful and fun, so we're especially seeking stories that are a mix of comedy and other genres-e.g., comedy & fantasy, comedy & SF, comedy & horror, comedy & thriller, comedy & Western, comedy & adventure. That said, we'll consider a great tale of any genre, or combination of genres.
The basics: humorous, any genre, 250-10,000 words, $.15/wd for the first 2,500 words and then $.06/wd, no reprints, due by 5/01/2016. Guidelines at

Market List Updates
To see all the details about new listings and what they're looking for, as well as hundreds of other listings, go to Aswiebe's Market List and download the latest version of the spreadsheet. There are too many new updates to post here--you can see them on the Aswiebe's Market List website.

Keep writing, keep submitting, and good luck!

Abra Staffin-Wiebe, Compiler of Lists

P.S. Did you sign up for my newsletter of wonderful and bizarre things yet?

Aswiebe's Market List
Abra Staffin-Wiebe's Website

Aswiebe's Market List Details
* Aswiebe's Market List is a searchable, sortable spreadsheet of paying fantasy, science fiction, and horror markets. This way it's easy to find, for example, only horror markets that accept reprints greater than 10,000 words. For more information on what it is and how to use it, see About's Market Spreadsheet.
* If you find it useful, please consider donating via PayPal to help support it.
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* You can also get market list updates through social media by following my RSS feed, Livejournal, Twitter, Facebook, or Google+ account. But social media sites come and go, so the email newsletter is probably the most reliable method.
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