Aswiebe's Market List 2015-03: The Deep, Dark Woods

Mar 25, 2015 23:22

The next update of Aswiebe's Market List will be after 4/15/2015.
Permanent link to this newsletter in the archives:

Editor's NoteAfter I finished launching my post-apocalyptic steampunk novel, I took a couple of months off from writing to try and catch up on all the writing-related things that I was (and still am, alas!) so very far behind on. Critiques! Editing! Marketing! Transcribing! Researching! Learning!

Ahem. Sadly, I am still not actually all caught up, though I did manage to get a few more short stories that had been benched for edits into circulation. I didn't start any new writing projects, though. For the longest time that seemed to be fine. Sure, I could tell that my brain was spending a few extra creative cycles on "unlikely but horrible things to worry about," but mostly I was fine. I found this worrying. If I no longer need to write, the question becomes whether I should. That's complicated.

However! Last Saturday, it happened. I felt the need gathering in a tense ball of mustwrite-haveto-nowdamnit between my shoulder blades. I found myself zoning out in the middle of talking to people, because there was an almost gravitational force pulling my attention toward my next story project.

No need for soul-searching after all. Hurray!

What I've been up to lately, writing-wise:
New words!

Things Shiny or Useful
Archive of all shiny or useful links:
* The story grid [plotting]:
* Strong female characters and plot [plotting]:

Featured Market
The Deep, Dark Woods anthology for horror themed to mysterious forests.

What could possibly lurking in the woods? It’s up to you to find out! Craft the scariest, most diabolical story you can. Your tale can be a horror that is based around a central moral theme or it can be a straight up splatterpunk that is only meant to shock!  We only care that your story is well crafted, original, and gives a new take on the mysterious forest trope.

The basics: themed horror, 500-8,000 words, pays $.05/word, no reprints, due by 05/31/2015. Guidelines at

Market List Updates
To see all the details about these new listings and what they're looking for, as well as hundreds of other listings, go to Aswiebe's Market List and download the latest version of the spreadsheet.

What they want
Pay Per Word - Fiction
Flat Pay - Fiction (Lowest)

Sick City Syndrome ONE-TIME COLLABORATION - DUE 06/01/2015
News and social media in shared world

Best Science Fiction of the Year, The ANTHOLOGY - DUE 11/01

Ghost in the Cogs ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 4/1/2015
Steampunk ghost stories

Deep, Dark Woods, The ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 05/31/2015
Horror, themed

SNAFU: Hunters (Cohesion Press) ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 5/1/2015 - 8/1/2015
Themed: monster hunters

Havok (Splickety Publishing)
Themed speculative flash fiction

Eldritch Embraces (Dragon's Roost Press) ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 10/17/2015
Dark speculative fiction themed to romance and Lovecraft

Lost Signals (Perpetual Motion Machine) ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 10/31/2015
Horror themed to radios and similar

Fiction Terrifica

Kitchen Sink Gothic (Parallel Universe Productions) ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE UNTIL FILLED (end of Mayish)
Horror/weird, themed

Weirdbook Magazine
Weird fiction

Imagine Little Tokyo ANNUAL CONTEST - DUE 1/31
Themed to Little Tokyo past present or future


Brewed Awakenings (Caffeinated Press) ANNUAL ANTHOLOGY - DUE 5/31
All genres


My Favorite Apocalypse (Tulip Tree Publishing) ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 4/30/2015
Themed, post-apocalyptic


Alien Abduction (Robot Cowgirl Press) ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 3/31/2015
Themed: alien abduction


Sword and Sorcery (Robot Cowgirl Press) ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE UNTIL FILLED
Themed: sword and sorcery stories


Gothic Blue Book Vol. 5 ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 08/15/2015
Gothic horror, themed


Through Clouded Eyes: A Zombie's View ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 6/1/2015
Themed: zombie POV


Frozen Fairy Tales (World Weaver Press) ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 5/15/2015
Fairy tale-ish, winter themed.


EGM Shorts (Evil Girlfriend Media)
All spec-fic


Winter Tales (Fox Spirit) ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 6/15/2015
Winter-themed speculative fiction


Daily Nightmare, The ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 5/30/2015
Nightmare-inspired, themed


SF themed to the stars


Fey Publishing's Horror Anthology - ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 6/30/2015


Battery Pack II (Neon) ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 4/2015


Odyssey DEAD MARKET (merged with Muse non-fiction magazine, see guidelines link)
Themed - Science-related, retold legends, or SF for 10-16 year-olds

Aswiebe's Market List
* Aswiebe's Market List is a searchable, sortable spreadsheet of paying fantasy, science fiction, and horror markets. This way it's easy to find, for example, only horror markets that accept reprints greater than 10,000 words. For more information on what it is and how to use it, see About's Market Spreadsheet.
* If you find it useful, please consider donating via PayPal to help support it.
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* You can also get market list updates through social media by following my RSS feed, Livejournal, Twitter, Facebook, or Google+ account. But social media sites come and go, so the email newsletter is probably the most reliable method.

Aswiebe's Market List
About Aswiebe's Market List
Abra Staffin-Wiebe's main website
Abra Staffin-Wiebe's blog

Keep writing, keep submitting, and good luck!

Abra Staffin-Wiebe, Compiler of Lists

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aswiebe's market list, writing log, marketnews

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