Final MinnSpec Writing Podcasts Up!

Aug 11, 2013 16:09

The last (in terms of most recent and final) of the Minnspec podcasts are up! We are no longer podcasting new meetups and readings, but many of them will be streamed live on G+ and are watchable on YouTube--you can find them in Conrad Zero's YouTube channel at:

Most Recent Podcast(s)

Episode 18: Legal Issues for Authors
Whether you are self-publishing or seeking traditional representation, all authors need to be aware of copyright laws, contracts and legal issues surrounding your intellectual property.

Minnesota Lawyer Daniel E Boen runs his own legal practice specializing in Entertainment Law and Intellectual Property Law. He is also a self-published author, and a musician, so he understands both the artist's side and the business side of legal issues that all authors should be aware of.

Episode 17: Query Letters
A roundtable discussion of query letters, featuring agent Jennie Goloboy from Red Sofa Lit and authors Michael Merriam, Kelly Barnhill, and William Alexander (winner of the 2012 National Book Award).

writerblog, minnspec podcast

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