Bad Things, Today's Edition

Dec 10, 2011 18:19

1. Strained a muscle in my back yesterday. Now hurts lots whenever I try to bend over at a certain angle. Did I mention I have a baby to pick up and carry around a lot? Or that because of breastfeeding said baby, it's not like I can go whine to my doctor for strong painkillers? Should I try to stretch it or should I try to rest it? I DON"T KNOW.

2. Getting to be official church members and getting Cassius welcomed in and etc. are stressing me out. I don't know what needs to be done, but it sounds like it might need to be done by next week. Grr.

3. (And worst) The tile wall/faucets around our bathtub has been leaking enough that we got a wet-through spot on our kitchen ceiling below. Phil has attempted to fix this with silicon caulk. This attempt is not working and looks terrible. It seems everything may need to be re-grouted. Or we may need to rip out the walls, put up proper cement board (seems like the previous residents didn't, given that the tiles have too much give to them in certain areas), put in new faucets etc., and put up some sort of other surround. We don't know what to do, how to fix it, or how to make it look less than awful. We don't have the money to do so either. We're pretty much miserable about this. Not showering isn't the answer, either.

4. (The last straw) All my ink cartridges for my printer are now failing to work, the night before I have to go to my writers group. I wanted to print critiques out, damn it! Instead I'll be reading from my laptop and then emailing people crits. Grumph.

bad things

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