Why are there suddenly posts here? Well, I don't currently have a work-from-home project (though I did over this weekend and a tiny bit of yesterday), so I've been having more than an hour of writing time (which is what daily posting comes out of most of the time). And I've been wanting to post more than tidbits, so--voila!
I finally made it to physical therapy for the sacroiliac joint/pubic bone pain that I've been having. The pubic bone pain started 3-4 months ago, the sacroiliac joint pain more recently. Now I'm kind of cranky that I didn't push the issue with my doctor and get the referral until now. Turns out my hips are misaligned due to basic uselessness of ligaments in pregnancy, and that's putting stress on everything. So I now have a list of exercises to strengthen related muscles, and one exercise to realign things, and a belt designed to hold my hips in place. Hopefully some of it will work, and this won't get worse, and it takes care of itself once my ligaments firm up again. If not, further intervention will be necessary.
Also, I've started having sporadic painful contractions. This is normal and means nothing at this point.
In more mundane and happy news, I potted some of the miscellaneous spider plants I've had in water/starter pots for the last couple of months, and I picked 5 cups of raspberries from the raspberry bushes in our backyard. Both spider plants and raspberries are producing ridiculously much. I plan on adapting this
blueberry tart recipe to use many of the raspberries, but I'm going to have a dozen or so unclaimed spider plant babies. Anybody want some spider plants?
Oh, and I sold a story!
Circus of Brass and Bone Writing Log
Episode 13
New words: 441
Total words: 75,648
Overused word: Lacey
Gratuitous word: nails
Type of scene: Time to go.
Challenge(s): Linking between previously seen/written scenes.
Which line is it anyways?"You said add a warning. I ain't no hand with writing, but I figure that'll do. Cook said we couldn't use it, so I ain't wasting food."
Notes: This girl sharpshooter character is kind of developing her own subplot.
Other writingy stuff:
* Posted writing log
* Submitted “Passings” to The Washington Pastime. I caught up! All 14 of my previously unpublished, ready-to-submit stories are out! Next up, submission status queries. Then edits (*shudder*) and attempts to sell reprints.
* And I sold a story! Which is good reinforcement for the whole “need to remember to actually submit things” thing. Processed acceptance of “Good Help is Hard to Find” by Bosley Gravel’s Cavalcade of Terror.