Sep 17, 2010 09:21
The pear tree is producing ridiculous amounts of thumb-sized pears. Dad is kept busy gathering up the windfall and chopping them up before they go bad. Last night, he stayed up late making pearsauce. He also baked four loaves of bread, enough to keep us going for the next week or so. He's been applying to jobs, but hasn't heard back on anything yet. As he said, he's "willing to work for benefits," but unfortunately those usually wouldn't kick in for a number of months yet, and they're needed now.
Mom is deep in the mire of trying to figure out disability and the various low-income health insurance options in Kansas. She seems to have qualified for disability, but you don't start getting it until 6 months after you've qualified. She's looking at Medicaid and Kansas' moderate-income insurance program. Unfortunately, again, the next chemo treatment will occur before any of this can be got in place. And the surgery (which is the big scary expense) is at the end of this month--or another bout of chemo, if they can't operate yet, which is scary in another way.
And me? I sit and write. I take a lot of photographs. Today, I'll be cleaning fan blades and wiping down cabinet doors, apparently. Sometime soon, I'm going to borrow Mom's bike and bike the length of the new bike path (with my camera). And I should also go to the library and check out a few books so I don't exhaust my paperbacks while I'm here and end up with nothing for the long Greyhound ride home. So far I've read Gail Carriger's Changeless (What an emotional cliffhanger at the end! Must find next book!) and Terry Pratchett's The Light Fantastic.