I still have no idea how they're going to be arranged, but I finished 20 blocks (10 sigils and 10 patches). They're going to have to sit with me until Mom and I can figure out how to put them together so that they're not...really, well. Yellow. I scanned them instead of taking photos because I wanted to try and get the fabric details to show up, which worked pretty well except for the Stark ones, which don't show the white-on-white pattern.
This is just a mock-up for what I have: I'm still trying to figure out how to deal with all the yellow, and to have like-colors not touching. Also trying to figure out whether or not I want to do borders, or if I even want to keep the each house's blocks with each other, or mix them all up. (Right now it's really just a wall hanging. I don't think it'll get much bigger unless I do the minor houses and I don't think I'm going to!)
Trying to figure out what looks better:
Version with theoretical, black borders. Okay so I think I might do four more minor houses that don't have red and/or yellow in them to even out the colors. I already bought fabric for Arryn (Blue/White) and then I could do Frey (...Blue/Grey?) and maybe Hightower (...White and uh, something not Yellow, Grey?)
House Lannister: Joffrey and Tommen's version of their family sigil!
House Tully: I was too scared to try and add more blue/red 'waves' but I think it turned out okay!
House Lannister: Classic! Although I think he looks a bit like a Griffon...
House Greyjoy: The Kraken's tentacles weren't that hard, except that I kept almost cutting them off.
House Baratheon: Stannis' version of his sigil. I picked orange/yellow for the nine-patch because I was getting tired of yellow/black and red/yellow combination's. The orange swirl print was what I originally picked out for the Martell block, but it was too dark against the Sun!
House Targaryen: Believe it or not, cutting 2.5" blocks and sewing them together is a million times harder than cutting out dragons. I need to re-do the nine-patch on this one because it is so off.
House Tyrell: You can see the roses in the yellow print now!
House Baratheon: Renly and Robert both used the same sigil for their banners!
House Stark: I guess this is one you have to see in person! The white fabric actually has this ice-white paisley print, but neither my camera or the scanner want to pick it up. Robb uses the same banner when he claims himself the King in the North (or...it's a direwolf head and that's close enough to being the same that I didn't make him one.)
House Martell These need to be re-ironed, but I think they came out okay!