Nightmare? Dream?

Feb 17, 2004 09:23

1975: My Mother was in Holland for the school year even though her family moved to America. There, She had a dream that really scared her. She dreamed that her father and her brother were in a green car driving to Ithaca, NY and they crashed and her father died.

February 17, 1989: My grandfather (her father) dies in a car accident...and my uncle (her brother) survives...It was a green car on its way to Ithaca.

Every night at 2:17 my mother always wakes up. 2 because its the second month...and 17 because its the 17th day.

last night February 17, 2004...I have a horrible dream. I wake up at 2:20...three minutes after 2:17. I have a dream that feels extremely real.

~I was at a jazz concert out of town with my mother and my father...and it ended (this is where the dream starts) and of course my dad files out of the building, leaving us behind to beat the rush. This dream was sooooooooo detailed that when we were going down escalators there was a guy singing on the other side and my dad got all into it and shit and said "YEAH!" (lol jazz fans do this.) Then I get outside and this is where I notice that I'm not anywhere near home. I hear singing and I look over...and about 100 feet away there are a bunch of extremely poor people against a cement wall...singing.
My mom kept walking but I stood there and watched because I felt bad. But then, I decided to keep walking, there was something mysterious and creepy about these people. As I was walking I noticed that I was walking on school desks. And that on the ground there were a bunch of red ants. Of course, in dreams, you always seem to fall down. And I fell, but my mom is still above me on the desks. I started to go faster so that I wouldn't get bitten by these red ants...and I finally got to a ramp ahead where I could stand "red ant free". Then I see our car. Immediately upon seeing the car my dream moves.

Now my mother and I are in a car driving down this hilly road. We were joking around and laughing like we usually do. It was daytime so my mother was pointing out how scenic and "prehistoric" everything looked (like usual)...Then we both look in front of us and we both notice that there is an old woman in the car ahead of us driving....facing us but driving in the same direction. This is weird but we do not think about how she is facing us but still going in the same direction that we are. We notice the expression on her face and how it stayed the same. She had huge blue eyes. Skinny. Grey curly hair down to her shoulders....Her blue eyes were showing without any of the whites...My mom starts to panic ...and I catch on. My mom is thinking that she's dead. She starts saying "Oh My. Oh My. Oh My"
...something she does when she's scared. I have my eyes on the woman ahead of us....but now her eyes have rolled back in her head. And somehow this makes it clear to us that she is indeed dead. My mom lets go of the wheel...and I reach over to take hold of it and steer us...but I wake up before I have my hands totally on the wheel.

I've never cried over a dream in my life. But when I woke up, I was so freaking scared. I called my mom into the room and she came and I couldn't even tell her. It was so real and so gruesome. I have no idea where this dream came from. I saw the red ant thing on TV I know that...but the rest of it...I have no idea how all this shit came in my head. I can't get rid of it. When my mom walked into my room I looked over at the clock and it was 2:20... And today it's February grandfather died in 89 today. I looked at my mother...and I noticed that she looked like a younger version of the old woman in the car.
I am really scared. This dream has truly f*cked me up. I didn't realize that it was February 17 until I looked at the clock. So it's not like I went to bed thinking about how this was the day my grandfather died in an accident.
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